Chapter 182 Fighting
"Is it time?"

Jiang Yi glanced at Yang Sanbao who came back in a hurry, "By the way, we don't even have a clock at home. When we turn around, if we drop by, let's go buy one!"


Yang Sanbao definitely had no objections.

Because, the family really needs a watch to tell the time.

If he hadn't lent the money to Yang Yibao and Yang Erbao, he would have said directly to buy a watch for his wife, but now, he has no money in hand.

Jiang Yi didn't know what Yang Sanbao was thinking, so she took off her apron and followed Yang Sanbao out.

In the process of going downstairs, he met many people. Yang Sanbao introduced Jiang Yi one by one, and they were all the family members of the employees of the transportation company.


When the two reached their destination, Jiang Yi knew that Yang Sanbao had sent the three daughters to Yancheng No. [-] Primary School.

Although Jiang Yi didn't know much about the schools in Yancheng, since this primary school had the number one name, it would definitely not be too bad.

However, at this moment, parents don't actually pay much attention to their children's education. Unlike later generations, in order to get a place in school, they have to buy a house and obtain a household registration.

The two waited at the school gate for a while, and finally the school was over.

Like later generations, there are still many parents waiting outside the school.

After all, the city is still different from the countryside. Although there are few cars on this road, there are still cars.

Besides, there are quite a lot of human traffickers at this time.

Yang Sanbao and Jiang Yi stood at the gate of the school, watching groups of children coming out of the school, waiting for them to leave, but they didn't see their three daughters.

The two immediately went to the guard's room, and after some inquiries, they didn't know that their third daughter had been detained by the school's teaching director until the guard called.

Only then did Jiang Yi hurriedly follow Yang Sanbao into the campus, and ran towards the teacher's office area.

When the two entered the dean's office, they saw their three daughters being spanked.

"What are you doing?"


Jiang Yi entered the door, and seeing the scene in front of her, she immediately let out a roar.

The dean is a little fat, middle-aged woman, wearing black-rimmed glasses, looks very cold.

"What are you doing? Who let you in?"

"Do you know where this is?"

When the middle-aged woman saw Jiang Yi and Yang Sanbao rushing in, she immediately spoke out majestically.

"This teacher, we are their parents!"

Yang Sanbao stopped the furious Jiang Yi, and looked at the middle-aged woman with a calm expression.

"Are you their parents?"

"I just want to ask you, how do you teach your children?"

"How can you fight with your classmates?"

"This is the first day I transferred here, and I just got into a fight with my classmates. Do you really want to study here?"

"Teacher, the children are ignorant, please forgive me, we will teach them well when we go back."

Yang Sanbao smiled, "Don't be angry, it's because we didn't teach well!"

"Calm down, tell us, what's going on?"

"That Qiu Mengmeng made the first move, she also said we are country bumpkins!"

Seeing her father being treated like a grandson by the dean, Yanzi couldn't stand it anymore, and cried out in tears, "She even tore up my new book!"

"This teacher, my child didn't lie, did he?"

Jiang Yi suppressed her anger and looked up at the dean of the middle-aged woman.

"What she said is basically true!"

"It's just that even if there is a conflict between classmates, you can't hit people. If you have any problems, you can ask the teacher to solve them."

(End of this chapter)

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