Dressed as an age koi, her mother

Chapter 203 Don't dare to move

Chapter 203 Don't dare to move


Jiang Yi glanced at Yang Sanbao who was so doting and talking, and finally said nothing, just nodded.

Get used to it slowly?

She was actually very touched when she heard this.

But she was moved, but she didn't dare to move.

Or rather, she dare not get used to it.

When she is used to being relied on in everything, what should she do when there is no one to rely on?
Many people have only one lifetime of life, whether it is bitter or sweet, the final conclusion can be drawn at the end of life.

But Jiang Yi couldn't make it.

She is the golden finger of the koi, and has to travel through different eras.

After so many shuttles, Jiang Yi basically figured out a situation.

The reason why many koi start so fiercely is that [-]% of them sacrificed their parents.

Being the mother of a koi carp is not so stressful.

Divorce at the beginning is the norm.

In other words, she has to take care of the baby alone.

It boils down to the fact that men are unreliable.

At this time and space, this man suddenly said that you can rely on my operation, which made Jiang Yi feel a little strange.

"By the way, I have a job this afternoon. I have to lead the team there myself. It may take half a month to go back and forth."

"If there is something wrong at home, if you can't solve it, you can find—"

"It's okay, I can handle it!"

Before Yang Sanbao finished speaking, Jiang Yi directly interrupted him, "Furthermore, what can be the matter?"


Yang Sanbao pondered for a while, then nodded accordingly.

"Then do you need to prepare anything?"

"There is nothing to prepare, I just bring two sets of clothes for washing."

"I'm ready to read!"


When Jiang Yi heard what Yang Sanbao said, she couldn't answer the conversation.

When a man is on a business trip, the woman at home prepares the salute clothes and so on. This guy is good, he has everything prepared, and it seems that she is just eating.

Forget it, that's what happened anyway.

Jiang Yi didn't continue to dwell on this issue, but called the three daughters to get up for dinner.

Seeing that Jiang Yi didn't say anything, Yang Sanbao turned around and walked away, he couldn't help being stunned, did he say something wrong?No, I did everything I should do, what's wrong?

Jiang Yi didn't know about Yang Sanbao's doubts, if he knew, he would laugh and not answer.

In fact, women are really conflicted sometimes.

On the one hand, I don't want the man to come to her for everything, and on the other hand, I hope the man can think about her.

It's a pity that Yang Sanbao obviously doesn't understand this.

At the dinner table, the three daughters knew that Yang Sanbao was going on a business trip, so they asked him to be careful all the way, eat enough and wear warm clothes, and don't get sick.

The father and daughter spoke in a rare warm and harmonious way.

Jiang Yi ate in silence.

To tell the truth, she didn't even know that these three girls were so close to Yang Sanbao.

How many days have you come to the county?

But in Jiang Zhaodi's memory obtained by Jiang Yi, the relationship between these three girls and Yang Sanbao is obviously very ordinary.

At this time, Jiang Yi didn't know that Yang Sanbao would go to school every day at noon to bring some delicious food for the three daughters.

The relationship between father and daughter gradually became harmonious during this noon exchange.

To put it bluntly, Yang Sanbao cheated.

After sending the three daughters to school, Jiang Yi went home to withdraw the money, went to find the owners of the four shops, and spent a day to complete the transfer of ownership of the four shops.

So far, the first step of Jiang Yi's grand strategy to make money has been completed!

(End of this chapter)

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