Chapter 205

Well, understandable.

High heel?
She wears high heels?
And this, perfume, lipstick, uh, scarf, and...

Seeing the pantyhose that Yang Sanbao put on the bottom, Jiang Yi's face turned red.

At this time, where does anyone wear pantyhose?
There are many pedal pants, but these are completely two concepts!

Jiang Yichun glanced at Yang Sanbao, and found that he didn't pay attention to this place, and hurriedly stuffed all his things into the drawer.

"Where have you been this trip?"

Jiang Yi was very curious, where did Yang Sanbao go out for a month this trip, and he got such a mess of things.

"I originally went to the south, but later, I went to Hong Kong Island for a while."

"I didn't know what to buy, so I asked a big sister in the same company, and the big sister helped to choose!"

"How are you doing?"

Yang Sanbao looked at Jiang Yi eagerly.

Jiang Yi forced a smile and said, "Where did I use those things? Aren't you wasting money?"

"Why didn't you use it?"

When Yang Sanbao heard Jiang Yi's words, he immediately became anxious, "Daughter-in-law, let me tell you, the world today is different from before."

"Not to mention Hong Kong Island, even that side is different."

"You wait until the girls are on vacation, and I'll take you there for a walk, and you'll know!"

"By the way, what I bought for you, don't let it go, try it on!"

"I'm cooking, let's talk about it later!"

Jiang Yi ran away instantly.

Although she has never eaten pork, she has seen pigs running.

Yang Sanbao looked at her with obvious fiery eyes.

In that professional language, this is called Xiao Bie Sheng Newly Married.

So, here comes the question, do I want that kind of thing...

If you have something on your mind, it's easy to be distracted when doing this.

Then, Jiang Yi fried the vegetables.

"Little fish, give me a suggestion!"

Jiang Yi's current mood can be described with an idiom, that is, he is in a mess.

Although he knew that he and Yang Sanbao would have such a day sooner or later, this day came too soon.

"Host, this is not your body, are you so excited?"

Facing Jiang Yi's inquiry, Xiao Yu'er's response was really inappropriate.

Well, these little things aren't people in the first place.

"Besides, Yang Sanbao doesn't look bad!"

"Eight-pack abs, very pretty body, I remember, host, you are very cold about this!"

"roll roll roll……"

Talking about it is one thing, putting it into action is another.

In the end, Jiang Yi's cooking of this meal fell short.

Compared with the previous meals, today's meals are just barely enough to eat.

In the end, what Jiang Yi didn't expect was that Yang Sanbao actually ate a whole bowl and was full of praise.

"Don't you know that those people in the south eat food that really doesn't taste to me, but the food you cook is delicious!"

Yang Sanbao looked at Jiang Yi fiercely.

Jiang Yi's eyes flickered, because she suddenly found something from Jiang Zhaodi's memory.That is, Yang Sanbao and Jiang Zhaodi's married life is not frequent, and the arrival of the three daughters is basically a one-off.

If she slept with Yang Sanbao, wouldn't it mean that she would have to experience something out of nothing?

Thinking of this, Jiang Yi's mood became even more chaotic.
"Daughter-in-law, are you okay? I think your face is a little red!"

(End of this chapter)

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