Chapter 214
Seeing more and more people coming, Yang Sanbao simply put down his chopsticks, went to the living room, and started talking to a group of people.

Jiang Yi sent tea over, and continued to eat with her three daughters.

After eating, she went to the kitchen to clean up, while the three daughters went back to the bedroom to read.

Of course, the air conditioner is still on.

In fact, due to the height of the family building of the transportation company, in summer, there is too much sunlight, and the indoor temperature rises really fast.

This is why Jiang Yi wants to change houses.

When Jiang Yi washed the dishes thoroughly, Yang Sanbao suddenly entered the kitchen, holding a big watermelon in his hand.

"Where did it come from?"

"Master Zhang from the opposite door brought it here!"

Yang Sanbao smiled, "Have you finished washing? Come out later and eat watermelon together."

"No, you can eat, there are some at home!"

Watermelon, how could Jiang Yi not prepare for such a hot summer?

It's just that today, there is only half a watermelon left in the refrigerator at home, and she took it out to treat guests, and she couldn't share a little with each other, so naturally she didn't take it out.


After hearing Jiang Yi's answer, Yang Sanbao smiled and agreed.

When Jiang Yi finished her work in the kitchen and came out of the kitchen, she saw that the living room was in a mess, with melon seeds all over the ground, and some watermelon peels fell on the ground.

Yang Sanbao and a group of people were talking in full swing, and the living room smelled strongly of cigarettes.

Jiang Yi couldn't get used to the smell of smoke, so she greeted everyone and entered the room of the three daughters.


Seeing Jiang Yi coming in, Maizi moved closer, "Shall we go to the south?"

Before, Jiang Yi said that he would take them to the southern city for a walk, but the three sisters always remembered it.

"Go, wait two days!"

Her shop has been renovated, and this kind of shop doesn't need to keep smelling, it can open for business after a few days of smelling.

To open for business, the goods must be ready.

Yang Sanbao's sudden return disrupts Jiang Yi's planned arrangement.

However, what needs to be done still needs to be done.

Now that Yang Sanbao's Yibao Supermarket is about to open, it must be very busy.I happened to take my daughters to the south, so as not to distract him.

As for his eating problem?

Nowadays, on the streets of this county town, there is no shortage of small restaurants for eating.

"Mom, then, will Dad go with us?"

"He won't go, he has something to do!"

It is impossible for Yang Sanbao to go, after all, the supermarket will be the top priority of his work for a long time.

"Mom, I heard people say that the road is very uneven."

"What if we encounter human traffickers and we can't escape?"

"Don't worry, when you meet human traffickers, I will let you meet your mother. I am actually very powerful."

"Do not believe!"

"Mom, why don't you call Dad to go with you!"

"Yes, Dad can protect us!"

The three daughters obviously expressed strong doubts about Jiang Yi's strength.

Jiang Yi took a deep breath and said, "You don't believe me, do you? Wait, let you see what it means to break bricks with bare hands!"

While talking, Jiang Yi opened the door and went out, went straight to the balcony, brought in a brick, and then performed a show for the three daughters to split the brick with bare hands.

The solid brick was split into two pieces by Jiang Yi with a knife.

Such a scene directly shocked the three daughters!

"Mom, you, you..."

"You know I'm amazing!"

Jiang Yi raised her head triumphantly, your mother is your mother!
(End of this chapter)

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