Chapter 216 Begins
The relevant departments did not come quickly.

But with the arrival of relevant departments, Jiang Yi and her daughters cooperated to make notes, and she was relieved.

justifiable defense!

As for whether it is too defensive?
In this day and age, it is completely reasonable for a mother to be a little bit stronger in order to protect her child in the face of a group of vicious human traffickers.

What's more, many people at the scene came forward to testify for Jiang Yi.

"Mom, you are amazing!"

"I want to learn!"

"I want to learn too!"

After leaving the relevant departments, the three daughters became a little excited from the initial panic.

"Learning this is very tiring!"

"I'm not afraid of being tired!"

The three daughters responded in unison.

"Okay, then, I'll teach you when we get home."

"It's just that the ugly words are up front. If you can't bear hardships and tiredness, then I don't care if you are my daughters or not. I will deal with you as I want!"

"Yeah, I promise you can suffer and be tired!"

"Then let's ride a donkey and read the libretto, we'll see!"

Jiang Yi really didn't think her three daughters could bear this hardship.Even if it is her, if it is not because she has traveled through many years and her physical fitness has been improved by some mysterious force, she probably cannot bear it.


In the southbound scene, except for such an accident when coming out of the train station, other times, there were no surprises or dangers.

Jiang Yi took the three daughters around, looked around, and reached a series of cooperation with the garment factory along the way.

A group of people went around several big cities in the south before buying a ticket to go home.

The three daughters are still unfinished, and they don't look like they have had enough fun.

However, in Jiang Yi's view, the three little guys just haven't eaten enough delicious snacks.

Of course, Jiang Yi didn't eat enough.

The snacks at this time really have local characteristics, and you don’t have to worry about how many additives are in them, and the hygiene can be better guaranteed.

And this is also because Jiang Yi can speak the local dialect very smoothly.

Taking this opportunity, Jiang Yi taught the three daughters a lesson on the importance of language.


It's just that when the three of them got home and saw Yang Sanbao, Yang Sanbao's jaw almost dropped in shock with his Shanghai accent.

"speak politely!"

In the end, Jiang Yi stared, and the three daughters regained their Yancheng accent when speaking.

"Is the south side fun?"

After the three daughters had spoken normally, Yang Sanbao asked about their trip to the south.

With this question, the three little girls started talking, and even told about Jiang Yi's heroic deeds of beating up a dozen people outside the train station.

Yang Sanbao was surprised, but also afraid.

But after seeing Jiang Yin's indifferent expression, Yang Sanbao was relieved.

After returning home, Jiang Yi was not idle, because the clothes ordered from the south would soon be shipped to Yancheng, and she had to quickly recruit people to sell the goods.

If it is in later generations, it should not be too easy to recruit people who sell goods.

But at the beginning of this reform era, people's thinking has not been completely changed, and most people still have the idea of ​​iron rice bowls and entering state-owned enterprises.

The only way Jiang Yi can think of is to increase the salary.

In fact, sales is a business that relies on ability to make a living. If you are capable, you will make a lot of money. If you are not capable, sorry, you have to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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