Chapter 235 Wei Wu
The investigation of the palace people ended quickly.

It is true that some people in the palace acted as Qi Heng's internal response. After all, this young master Qi is still very handsome. After sacrificing his life, he really developed three eyeliners in the palace.

The three court ladies are all over 40 years old.

After receiving such a reply, Jiang Yi felt that she was so miserable.

For revenge, Qi Heng really went all out.

Forty is like a tiger!
It's really hard for Qi Heng's small body to be able to carry it!
"Send them all to the Sanfa Division!"

After finding out the truth, Jiang Yi was really moved.

But the emotion is the emotion, for this person who wants to harm her, she will not show mercy.

According to the laws of the new dynasty, the death penalty is inevitable for this kind of behavior.

Of course, Jiang Yi would not lynch.

The legislation she's pushing is going to uphold all of that.

After disposing of Qi Heng and others, Jiang Yi summoned a group of generals from the military staff and gave them a map of the world.

"The world is so big, my Xinchao is too small!"

Jiang Yi raised her hand and clicked on the world map, "Here, we must take it!"

The oil in the Middle East is a must!
"And here, uncivilized land, occupied!"

Australia has a lot of various minerals, and they have to be won.



"Here and here, a group of barbarians can be wiped out!"

In the end, Jiang Yi drew two circles on the map and made various openings.

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty, we will expand the territory for the new summer and wipe out all foreign enemies!"

The generals of the military staff all had bright eyes.

The world is so big, they finally have a place to use.

Since Xixia and Khitan were wiped out, the army has been at ease for some days.Now, for the first time, they discovered that what they thought was the center of the world actually only occupied such a small area of ​​the world.

How can this work?

A kingdom of heaven should have the atmosphere of a kingdom of heaven. First of all, the territory must be large.

With the action of the military, all businessmen in the world were excited.

Because of the previous wars, the merchants made a lot of money.

Jiang Yi has a mature intelligence organization in his hands, and he has everything under control of the changes in the world.After knowing that the whole country has been mobilized, she happily started watching the show.

And Sheng Minglan, as the crown prince, represented Jiang Yi and attended the swearing-in meetings again and again.

Take the northern grassland.

The muskets and artillery far ahead of the times easily frightened all ethnic groups in the grassland.Then, under Jiang Yi's policy of emancipating slaves, the so-called nobles on the grassland became dust of history.

National integration is slowly starting.

The Jurchen in the Northeast Mountains were also incorporated and assimilated.


In the third year of Xinxia, ​​the Xinxia Navy arrived in Australia.

In the same year, the Dongying Islands were included in the territory of Xinxia, ​​and the Dongying family was almost wiped out.

In the fifth year of Xinxia, ​​the Xinxia Navy discovered America, and the Great Migration started.

In the nine years of New Summer, the banner of New Summer has been planted all over the world.

The European countries were almost completely wiped out and became the colonies of Xinxia.

When the news reached Jiang Yi's ears, Jiang Yi smiled with satisfaction.

In the tenth year of New Xia, Jiang Yi abdicated and was succeeded by Crown Prince Sheng Minglan.

And after Jiang Yi abdicated, she won the honorary title of Emperor Weiwu through the consensus of the parliament.

When the council gave the title of Emperor Wei Wu, a virtual frame appeared in front of Jiang Yi's eyes.

[Return: Accept/Reject? 】

That's definitely acceptance.

And just after Jiang Yi confirmed her return, she didn't return immediately, and another dialog box popped up in the virtual face frame in front of her.

[Vacation benefits, please choose! 】

Looking at the series of options in the virtual face frame, Jiang Yi lost her composure for an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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