Dressed as an age koi, her mother

Chapter 237 Just the Front

Chapter 237 Just the Front

In the era of advanced technology, it is really difficult to keep personal information confidential.

Under the public opinion offensive of these moral dogs, some righteous people sent all of Jiang Yi's messages to the Internet through hacking methods.

Then, Jiang Yi was whipped to death!

Not only was he targeted on the Internet, but he was also targeted in reality.

Jiang Yi, who originally didn't intend to care about it, couldn't bear it now.

She simply went to the court and sued!
She is not like those celebrities who only send lawyers' letters. She directly initiates a lawsuit against the official accounts, Weibo accounts involved in the case, and the media that provoked the incident.

Compared with the lawyer's letter which has no legal effect, Jiang Yi feels that this indictment is more in line with her temperament.

As for those Internet celebrities who were doing things downstairs in her house, Jiang Yi didn't let them go, one counts as one, as long as she finds out, no matter whether you reposted or created it, they will all be on her lawsuit list.

Jiang Yi is very busy.

I have to go to the court every day to initiate a lawsuit.

In just a few days, this matter was on the hot search.

The Internet is not a place of lawlessness.

Defamation is punishable.

Many times, people choose not to pursue it, thinking that people should be broad-minded.

But Jiang Yi is not broad-minded at all, she is like a fighter now, she will sue anyone she finds, and once she sues, she will agree.

Under the anger of the so-called righteous man, he actually wanted to do something just for the heavens. As a result, he was knocked out by Jiang Yi in two or three strokes, and then he was thrown into jail.

Are these people innocent?

Maybe innocent!

But a person, without his own subjective judgment, can only follow what others say, is manipulated by the wind direction on the Internet, and becomes an accomplice of some moral dogs.

Such a person, you say you are innocent, is the person you are targeting innocent?
As the saying goes, if you start a rumor with your mouth, you will lose your legs if you refute it.

It is easy to destroy a person, but it is difficult to save a person.

Jiang Yi is not used to these people's faults.

She is a fighter now, a god fighter!

She wants to see if she can fight against these moral dogs with her own strength.

Regardless of whether your heart is good or bad, the moment you become an accomplice controlled by some public opinion, you are broken.

"Host, how boring are you?"

Xiao Yu'er couldn't stand watching Jiang Yi busy.

"Is boring!"

Jiang Yi collapsed on the sofa, she was really bored.

Life is limited, she has food, drink and housing, and it is not difficult to make money. There is really no sense of expectation in this life.

Suddenly there is such an interesting thing waiting for her to toss, how can she not toss?
"It's boring to do tasks!"

"I don't want to do the task now!"

Jiang Yi snorted, "I have to tear myself apart with these moral dogs and keyboard warriors!"

"Aren't you saying you're free?"

"As long as you publish what you have done these years on a small account, everything will come to light."

"You have to work hard to please yourself, why bother?"

"This kind of bad atmosphere, someone has to stand up, if I don't go to hell, who will go to hell?"

Jiang Yiyi was speaking eloquently.

"I see you are idle!"

After the little fish vomited a lot of bubbles, he shook his tail and disappeared from Jiang Yi's sight.

But in the next moment, Jiang Yi found that her environment had changed.

The mission begins again!

"Stinky fish, do you want to be roasted?"

To actually throw myself into the task without my consent, that's too much!

(End of this chapter)

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