Chapter 265

Jiang Yi originally thought that she would have to wait until the Chinese New Year to face such a large-scale bombardment by elders, but the fact is that in just two days, she met her aunt Peng Aihua.

Peng Aihua is not tall, or rather short and fat.

However, Jiang Yi knew that her uncle was very eloquent.In a small body, there is a huge amount of energy.

And her uncle Jiang Zhenguo obeyed his uncle's arrangement in everything.

If this is placed in someone else's house, it will be designated as the hen Sichen.But in her uncle's house, if her uncle doesn't care about things, the whole family will be waiting for chaos.

Moreover, her aunt is in charge of the house, and the family's life is so prosperous.

Although they lived in the village, Baoshantou raised chickens and Baoyu ponds raised fish. The small days were not only counted as the first in the village, even in this county, they were also well-known.

"Sister-in-law, come as soon as you come, why do you still bring these old things?"

Li Xianglan didn't know what to say when she saw the mess of things carried by her nephew Jiang Fendou who came with Peng Aihua.

"What kind of thing is this? It's all my own. It's not worth two dollars!"

Peng Aihua waved his hand, "Struggle, quickly put down your things, and then, you go to the farmer's market and buy what you should buy first!"

"it is good!"

Jiang Fendou went in and put down his things, greeted Jiang Yi, and teased Xiao Youyou who was gnawing on a molar stick, before leaving.

"Second brother and sister, I didn't say you. Why didn't you tell us about such a big thing happened to Xiaoran!"

Peng Aihua sat down, immediately put on the posture of a sister-in-law, and began to catch Li Xianglan talking.

What can Li Xianglan say? It's really hard for her to say this. After all, her daughter is divorced. In the eyes of many people, this is not a good thing.

"Auntie, it's none of my mother's business. I didn't let her talk about it."

Jiang Yi hurriedly helped Li Xianglan speak, "Besides, it doesn't sound good to talk about my matter."

"Why doesn't it sound good?"

"Isn't it normal for a woman to meet a scumbag all her life?"

"Xiaoran, let me tell you, it's not your fault. Don't think there's anything wrong with you."


Jiang Yi was a little dumbfounded, seeing her aunt's eyes slightly changed, why did her words and accent make her feel so right?
"Don't think that people are patriarchal now, but in the future, this girl will be much better than boys."


Listening to Peng Aihua's words and the familiar tone, Jiang Yi basically confirmed the situation, that is, something was wrong with her uncle.

These statements, if placed more than ten or twenty years later, are absolutely correct.

But now, it's too far ahead.

If Jiang Yi hadn't come from later generations, ninety-nine out of ten would be surprised when she heard her aunt's remarks.

But now, Jiang Yi only feels that she has met a confidant.

It's a pity that Jiang Yi couldn't tell her origin.

Jiang Yi sounded right, but Li Xianglan was stunned.Especially when Peng Aihua said that if Jiang Yi didn't want to find another one, then he wouldn't.


"Don't talk!"

Seeing that Li Xianglan was about to speak, Peng Aihua glared at her directly, "You are not Xiaoran, you have to listen to Xiaoran about this matter. She is such a big girl, she has more books and knowledge than you!"

(End of this chapter)

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