Dressed as an age koi, her mother

Chapter 276 Talking Hearts

Chapter 276 Talking Hearts
"You think Yoyo is the same as you?"

Li Xianglan looked at Jiang Yi angrily, and felt that her girl was really not qualified to be a mother.

It is said that the female friend is Mo Ruomu, but in Li Xianglan's view, it is not the case at all when these words are applied to her own daughter.

Jiang Yi smiled awkwardly and said, "Mom, I really don't blame me for this!"

No matter what others think, anyway, Jiang Yi feels that she is quite wronged.Her concern for her daughter is really no less than anyone else.

Of course, the daughter is very sensible, which made Jiang Yi reduce her attention to her for a certain period of time.

After all, such a well-behaved and sensible girl doesn't need her to worry too much.Naturally, she stopped staring at her daughter's affairs in such a detailed manner.

"Thank you for being so brave!"

Li Xianglan gave Jiang Yi a disgusted look, "Thanks to you, you only have one more daughter. If there are several daughters here, will you forget Yoyo?"

"Mom, I don't agree with you saying that!"

Jiang Yi didn't feel how incompetent she was.On the contrary, she felt that her education of her daughter was actually very successful.

The daughter is so well-behaved and sensible, she must have her own precepts and deeds.

"Too lazy to talk about you!"

Li Xianglan waved her hand, not wanting to continue this topic with Jiang Yi.

Jiang Yi was also so happy.

Of course, Jiang Yi also realized that she should know and pay more attention to her after discovering that her daughter was so well-behaved and sensible.

Although Jiang Yi is not an education expert, it is said that if this child behaves too extreme, it is not a good thing.

The extreme here is not a derogatory term, but a pure adjective.

Children who are too obedient and mischievous are prone to problems when they grow up.

Single-parent families, to some extent, have their own disadvantages for children's growth.

Jiang Yi reflected in her heart, wondering what she should do.

But the tragedy is that her own daughter arranged everything clearly, and there was no Jiang Yi who could intervene.

The child is too sensible, what should a mother do?What can be done?
Jiang Yi simply logged on to the Internet. Although the Internet has just emerged, there are still a lot of various forums.

Of course, Jiang Yi didn't expect anyone to give her the answer, but she was just a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

And the facts also proved that the newly emerging Internet still didn't have the ability to relieve her worries.Maybe wait a few more years, when there are more people surfing the Internet and more brain holes, then there may be an answer.

It's a pity that by that time, my daughter has grown up, and it's time for me to retire.

"My daughter!"

At night, Jiang Yi sat face to face with her daughter.

"what happened?"

Xiao Youyou blinked and looked at Jiang Yi.

"How was school today?"

"It's pretty good, listen to lectures in get out of class, and play after class, but the games they play are too mentally retarded!"

"Mom, can I skip a grade?"


When Jiang Yi heard this question, she felt that she was a little out of her mind in wanting to talk to her daughter today.

"Girl, why did you skip a grade?"

"I have learned everything. I think I can graduate from elementary school directly. Or, Mom, you can ask the school to see if I can graduate directly?"

"Continuing to stay in elementary school, I think it is a waste of time!"

Hearing the heroic words of her daughter, Jiang Yi felt that she had to do something.

(End of this chapter)

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