Chapter 284 Famous
"So what am I doing now?"

"Probably, perhaps, it should be sleeping!"

"Hehe, thank you!"

Jiang Yi is really hehe.

I run around in this time and space to be a mother to others, but the self in this world is actually sleeping.


Jiang Yi's eyes widened suddenly, and he looked at Xiao Yu'er who was swimming in front of him, "Xiao Yu'er, my previous call for help outside the court shouldn't be counted!"


The little fish flicked its tail, protruding a series of bubbles.

Jiang Yi suffered from severe cold and had a high fever of more than 40 degrees. Even if she went to the commune health center, she might not be able to survive, so she chose to ask for help.

But the target Jiang Yi chose for help was not Xiao Youyou.

To be precise, it was Xiao Youyou who forcibly inserted a pole.

"Well, it doesn't count!"

Xiao Yu'er considered again and again, and finally had to compromise with Jiang Yi.

Jiang Yi was instantly overjoyed.


Lying at home for a few days, Jiang Yi's body fully recovered.

Because it was winter, there was nothing to do at home, so Jiang Yi continued to study with her textbooks.

However, even so, she did not stay in Shuangya Mountain for long, and she had to report to school.

Poor family rich road!

Liu Haishan took out almost all the money in the family and gave it to Jiang Yi.

Naturally, it was impossible for Jiang Yi to continue.

Although she hasn't been in contact with the two old people for a long time, Jiang Yi can feel that the two of them really love her daughter-in-law from the bottom of their hearts.

Jiang Yi inherited the memories and feelings of her predecessor, and she is also very grateful to the two old people.

However, it was impossible for her to stay in the village forever after all.

According to Xiao Yu'er's deduction, if she wants to complete the mission, she must get out of Shuangya Mountain, and the key to the mission may lie in the capital.

But now, she has no clue.

Jiang Yi left Shuangyashan in mid-February. First, she took the commune's tractor to the county seat, and then took a bus from the county seat to the city's train station to buy a ticket.

At this time, the train was a green leather car that was extremely rare in later generations.

Leaving aside the condition of the car, Jiang Yi was extremely impressed by the speed alone.

Of course, the law and order on the train is really chaotic.

Jiang Yi was alone, and only brought the eldest brother a burden, and was followed by someone as soon as she got on the train.

Then, in order not to be entangled in trouble, after sitting down on the train, Jiang Yi showed off her muscles and directly slapped a solid red brick on the table.

In one word, fierce!
The gang of thieves who were eyeing Jiang Yi weighed it over and over again, but in the end they didn't attack her.

Originally, Jiang Yi didn't want to take care of these thieves, after all, this period is really chaotic.And these thieves, when they go crazy, dare to kill people.

However, when Jiang Yi found out that these thieves stole the money from the people in the car without any moral bottom line, Jiang Yi stood up, took the red bricks, and quickly overthrew all the thieves.

In the following time, Jiang Yi did nothing but acted as a volunteer marshal on the train, taking down all the thieves on this train.

Then, Jiang Yi became famous.

When she arrived in the capital and reported to the school, the school received a commendation letter from the railway department, and Jiang Yi gained a great reputation and became a celebrity in the school.

As the old saying goes, people are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong.

Jiang Yi just couldn't get used to those thieves who had no bottom line, and didn't want to be famous.But now, things backfired and she became famous.

Of course, trouble followed!

(End of this chapter)

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