Chapter 286 I Am Kind

Simple two words, but for some people it is very complicated.

Especially people like Wang Meihua, who are shameless and corrupt in doing things, but want to save face.And their wanting face is purely because they are obviously ashamed, but they still feel that they have face.

Just like at this moment, what Wang Meihua has done is already embarrassing and thrown at her grandma's house, but she still feels good about herself, and even feels that she is the one who has been wronged.


"I'm not wrong!"

When Wang Meihua heard Jiang Yi asking her to apologize, she immediately jumped up.

"I think you are the one who should apologize!"

"What do you say to be brave, to ask you to do such a small favor and not to help, and to peek at my remittance slip, there is no moral at all!"

"You should apologize to me!"

"Wang Meihua, do you want face?"

This time, before Jiang Yi could speak, someone next to him spoke, "I love the new and dislike the old, and I have abandoned my husband and son, and I have the nerve to put on a show here, don't you feel ashamed?"

"Stop saying a few words, if she wants face, she won't be able to do such a thing!"

"That's right, this kind of person is shameless at all. No matter how much you tell her, she won't feel that she is wrong. It's just a waste of saliva!"

"Jiang Yi, I'm sorry, we didn't know the situation, we were deceived by her, and I apologize to you!"

Qiqi apologized to Jiang Yi for those girls who helped Wang Meihua speak before.

Jiang Yi smiled and said: "I don't blame you, you were also deceived!"

Then, Jiang Yi locked Wang Meihua's gaze again, and said, "Wang Meihua, let me ask again, are you apologizing, or not?"

"I won't apologize, can you still hit me?"

"Come on, hit me!"

"Student Jiang Yi, who is brave enough to see justice, come and hit me!"

Wang Meihua saw that she was completely ashamed, so she broke the jar and completely revealed her true colors.

"Growing up so big, this is the first time I've heard someone make such a request!"

"Although my hand hurts a bit, I still decide to be an adult!"

Jiang Yi stepped forward and slapped Wang Meihua directly on the face. She had never seen a bitch like this before.However, when dealing with sluts, as long as you are not afraid of hand pain, you can basically handle it.

With a slap, Wang Meihua was knocked down to the ground, and the pretty little face of the other party instantly swelled up.

This slap really took a lot of strength.

Jiang Yi is really not used to each other.

Since your parents didn't teach you how to be a human being, I don't mind teaching you a lesson.

"You dare to hit me?"

"I'm going to sue the teacher!"

Wang Meihua was slapped and fell to the ground. She was dazed for a while, and when she came back to her senses, she immediately realized that this was a good opportunity to take revenge on Jiang Yi.

The corner of Jiang Yi's mouth twitched, and said, "Didn't you ask me to hit you?"

"Student Wang Meihua, your mouth, what you say, is it possible that you are farting?"

"However, if you want to sue the teacher, then go ahead and sue!"

"I also really want to ask the teacher, if married women kiss me and me with other male students at school, does the school care about it?"

That must be taken care of!
Jiang Yi didn't want to take care of these nasty things at first, but Wang Meihua is so ignorant of flattery, so, you will be the first grader, and I will be the fifteenth grader.

Now that the grievance has been settled, let's get rid of it.

Mr. Zhou Shuren said that the dog in the water must be beaten hard!

"Come on, let's talk to the teacher!"

Jiang Yi stepped forward, grabbed Wang Meihua's arm, and dragged her towards the office building.

(End of this chapter)

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