Dressed as an age koi, her mother

Chapter 288 Real Stepmother?

Chapter 288 Real Stepmother?
During school, Jiang Yi basically didn't have any extra expenses, and when she came out, she also brought a lot of money, so the money for a trip home was enough.

Jiang Yi didn't waste any time, she packed her things the next day, and went to buy some pastries and snacks that are only available in the capital, then went straight to the train station, bought a train ticket back, and embarked on the return journey.

On the train, Jiang Yi actually received special treatment.

Not to mention the change from a seat ticket to a sleeper ticket, and even the problem of eating on the train, I helped to solve it.

Jiang Yi was a little embarrassed by the enthusiasm of the flight attendants on the train.

Sure enough, good people are rewarded.

Jiang Yi just got rid of the gang of thieves who got off the car when she was in the car before. It has been half a year since this happened, but the crew on the car still remembered her.

Because of this relationship, Jiang Yi's return trip was much more exciting.From time to time, she strolled around in each compartment, chatted with the flight attendants, and occasionally helped maintain order. She seemed to be a voluntary worker on the train.

When the train arrived at the station, Jiang Yi waved goodbye to the staff on the train, and left the station slowly.

After leaving the train station, Jiang Yi went straight to the bus station and caught the last bus to the county seat.

Just when the bus arrived at the county seat, Jiang Yi was a little dumbfounded.

At this point, there is no car in the county to go to Linqiao Commune.

And from the county seat to Linqiao Commune, there is a distance of forty or fifty miles. If you walk back, you will be exhausted.

Well, with Jiang Yi's physical fitness, it's no big deal even if he walks back.But the problem is that it takes a lot of time to walk, and she is afraid that she will not be able to get home until midnight.

What are you doing now?

The traffic basically depends on walking?
Jiang Yi thought about it for a while, and felt that she couldn't be so determined. The dignified transmigrator, who has been so miserable, must be regarded as unprecedented!
After packing her bags, Jiang Yi decided to buy a bicycle.

money is enough.

Bicycle tickets are also available.

As a human being, you must be kind to yourself.

Jiang Yi went straight to the supply and marketing cooperative in the county seat, and dared to buy the bicycle just before the other party got off work.

With a car, the way home is much more convenient.

At her speed, she could get home in an hour at most.

After strapping his things to the back seat of the bicycle, Jiang Yi started his own racing journey.

Speaking of it, being in good health is really a very happy thing.As long as there is no time travel bonus, relying on the physical fitness of the original owner's predecessor, even with a bicycle, the journey home will take about two hours, or maybe more.

Jiang Yi galloped all the way, and when it was getting dark, she returned to Shuangya Mountain.

At this time, every household is cooking and eating, and there is no one on the streets of the village.

Jiang Yi rode the bicycle all the way to the door of the house, and saw the courtyard door opened, and there was a table in the courtyard, and Liu Haishan and his wife were eating.

And in the arms of her mother-in-law Ma Lanhua, she was holding a doll and was feeding the doll rice soup.

"Dad, Mom, I'm back!"

When Jiang Yi entered the door, she first greeted Liu Haishan and Ma Lanhua, then looked at the little baby Ma Lanhua was holding, and said, "Mom, whose family's child is this?"


When Liu Haishan and Ma Lanhua saw Jiang Yi appearing, they were all stunned, with a guilty expression on their faces.

Seeing the expressions of the two, Jiang Yi's heart skipped a beat. Could it be that she really wants to be a stepmother?

(End of this chapter)

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