Dressed as an age koi, her mother

Chapter 291 Thinking too much

Chapter 291 Thinking too much

"Jiang Yi, you are really my savior!"

Li Shufang cried in fright when she thought that her small twisted foot was so serious that she almost spent the rest of her life in it.

At this moment, she still had tears on her face.

Jiang Yi waved her hand calmly, and said, "It happened to me too!"

"If I hadn't gone to school this time and learned a few tricks from others, I would have been caught blind."

The former lived in the educated youth spot for several years, and he was very familiar with Li Shufang, but he had never been ignorant of medical skills, but now he has such sharp eyesight. There must be an explanation for the reason.

However, Li Shufang obviously didn't have so many eyes, and didn't realize the difference between Jiang Yi and her predecessor.

After chatting with Li Shufang for a while, Jiang Yi narrowed her eyes on the nearby hospital bed.

Riding the train, taking the bus all the way, and then riding a bicycle for dozens of miles, Jiang Yi's body couldn't bear it.

Jiang Yi slept soundly, and Li Shufang next to her was also sleeping soundly.

The next morning, Jiang Yi woke up first.

Seeing that Li Shufang was still sleeping, Jiang Yi went to buy sick meals and came back. When she came back, Li Shufang also woke up. The doctor who corrected her last night is currently reviewing.

In fact, as long as Li Shufang's condition is corrected in time, and then she takes care and rest in the later stage, there will basically be no problems.

"The next step is to take good care of it!"

"You've been hurt for a hundred days, before you fully recover, you should use a cane first!"

The doctor didn't care whether Li Shufang agreed or not, and gave the final verdict directly, and then he could be discharged from the hospital.

In this era, it is important not to go to the line of fire for minor injuries.

At this moment, it is still a busy season for farming, after all, the weeds in the field need to be cleaned up with a hoe.

When hoes are not enough, people have to squat in the ground to pull weeds.

Pulling weeds is not only a physical job, but also a technical job, but in the final analysis it is still a physical job.Of course, the so-called technical work means that you have to pull the weeds skillfully, otherwise, the grass roots will stay in the ground, and after a few days, it will inevitably grow again with a little wind.

However, no matter whether it is Jiang Yi or Li Shufang, they no longer need to work in the fields.

Jiang Yi carried Li Shufang back to Shuangyashan Educated Youth Site on a bicycle. On the way, he met a few villagers from Shuangyashan. The once enthusiastic villagers seemed to be far away when they saw Jiang Yi again.

From their faces, Jiang Yi could still see a little bit of guilt.

What a bunch of unpretentious people!

Obviously it was Liu Jianguo who was sorry for him, but Jiang Yi felt that the entire Shuangyashan villagers felt guilty because of this incident.

As for it?
Jiang Yi always felt that the villagers thought too much.

Because Li Shufang is now a semi-disabled person, Jiang Yi can only abandon her original plan and stay in the educated youth spot for the time being.

After all, she is also a little sister who has been with her for many years, so she can't just leave her alone.

Besides, she doesn't have much to do now.

As for going straight back to school?

She did plan like this before, but now, forget it.

After traveling so many times and solving so many koi obsessions, this is the first time Jiang Yi has encountered such a situation where the task is unknown.

The mission is unknown, so Jiang Yi doesn't need to panic, take your time, even if something goes wrong, the mission will be rolled back at worst.

(End of this chapter)

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