Chapter 299 War
A man needs a face, and a tree needs its bark.

Jiang Yicai didn't care about the entanglement between her predecessor and the other party, she only knew that she was in charge of her current life.

Therefore, Jiang Yi didn't mind if he made her anxious and killed that man named Yang Sanbao.

Even if this Yang Sanbao was the same Yang Sanbao she had met, Jiang Yi felt that she could be ruthless.

After all, once a woman becomes ruthless, there is nothing wrong with a man.

Heartache, colic!
To die or to live.

Facing Jiang Yi's threat, the previous obsession seemed to be unaware of it, and it was just constantly tossing his body.

"What a fucking bitch!"

Jiang Yi was really angry.

She dropped the things she was packing, went straight to the kitchen of the educated youth, found the kitchen knife in the cabinet, took the kitchen knife and walked out.

Didn't the bitch think of a dog man?

Then let's die together and be a pair of dead mandarin ducks!
"Host, please calm down!"

"Don't be impulsive!"

Aware of Jiang Yi's madness, Xiao Yu'er jumped out and swam around in front of Jiang Yi, trying to stop Jiang Yi's impulsive actions.

However, Jiang Yi didn't respond to Xiao Yu'er at all.

This time, she was like a puppet through time and time again.

The previous few times, because of the child, Jiang Yi's motherly heart broke out, even if she was a little dissatisfied, she endured it.

But this time, she really couldn't bear it, and didn't want to bear it.

The previous missions were mandatory missions.

According to Xiao Yu'er, she has the right to choose the mission, but twice in a row, she didn't have the right to choose, and was directly pulled into the mission.

Especially this time, it was like rubbing her IQ on the ground.

She is not a tool person!

Although every time she completes the task, in reality, the birthmark on her face will dissipate a little.But that wasn't enough for her to be a cow or a horse.

In reality, she is used to a life with a birthmark on her face. Is it nothing more than a dead house, or is it nothing more than going out and putting on heavy makeup? What's the big deal?

Of course, women like to be beautiful, and she is no exception.

But even so, it cannot deprive her of her right to choose freely!
Jiang Yi went out with a kitchen knife, her heart hurting so much that she couldn't breathe.

"Come on, either you kill me, or I kill that dog man!"

Life is precious, freedom is more expensive!
Jiang Yi didn't intend to compromise.

This time, she would rather die than obey.

As Jiang Yi got closer and closer to the house where the fish were watching in the reservoir, her heartache became more severe.And this made Jiang Yi more sure that the obsession of the predecessor was not without judgment.

In other words, this is a life-and-death contest.

Finally, when Jiang Yi stepped onto the sloping path beside the reservoir, her heartache disappeared.

"I owe him that!"

"In my previous life, I was sorry for him!"

"You help me!"

"I promise, he'll be a great husband!"

"And, he will be very successful in the future."

The obsession of the predecessor who had been pretending to be dead was finally willing to communicate with Jiang Yi.

Feeling the message from this obsession, Jiang Yi smiled directly, and said, "Come on, tell me, what did you do to offend him in your previous life?"

"Did you get admitted to university and then abandoned others?"

In this day and age, many people's thinking has been deformed.

When Jiang Yi came, her predecessor was admitted to university.

In contrast, Yang Sanbao is a bitter mud-legged person, and in his predecessor's thinking, he must not be good enough for her.

(End of this chapter)

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