Chapter 367 Unbearable
As a dear son, it's fine to call him aunt, but this look of contempt makes Zhang Lanlan's heart feel like a knife.

Compared to Zhang Lanlan's heartache, Han Yuzhu was angry.

"Jade beads!"

Zhang Lanlan clenched her fists hard, forced herself to control her true emotions, and looked at Han Yuzhu, "If this is the case, let's forget about it!"

forget it!
This was the last thing Zhang Lanlan could do for her son.

At this moment, intimacy and distance are immediately apparent.

In Zhang Lanlan's heart, having a son is more important than anything else.

However, what she said at this time just touched the trace of intolerance in Han Yuzhu's heart.

In order to keep his position in the Zheng family, she conspired with Zhang Lanlan to make this plan of stealing the dragon and turning the phoenix into a phoenix.For so many years, Han Yuzhu has been enduring inner torment.

It wasn't her own son who enjoyed fine clothes and fine food in Zheng's family, but her biological daughter was left in the small mountain village by her.

She has always thought that in the future, when her daughter becomes a daughter-in-law, she can make up for it.

But now, years of dreams are shattered, how can she not be heartbroken?
"Sister Lan Lan, what did you say?"

Han Yuzhu looked at Zhang Lanlan with anger in his eyes.

Zhang Lanlan, who noticed Han Yuzhu's eyes, didn't understand, but said to herself, "Yuzhu, the melons twisted by force are not sweet. Since Jianhua doesn't like my Xiu'er, let's forget about it!"

"Mom, you see that this aunt understands the truth, why don't you understand it?"

Zheng Jianhua added fuel to the fire.

"Don't call me mom, I'm not your mom!"

Han Yuzhu opened his mouth with a growl.

What she yelled was the truth, which frightened Zhang Lanlan, but did not frighten Zheng Jianhua.

From Zheng Jianhua's point of view, Han Yuzhu was just taking advantage of the situation and trying to manipulate him.

However, Zheng Jianhua felt that he was no longer the little child he used to be. When he grew up, even if he left Han Yuzhu, he could still stand up.

"Yuzhu, don't be angry!"

Zhang Lanlan finally came to her senses, and hurriedly comforted Han Yuzhu, and at the same time looked at Jiang Yi with pleading eyes, and said, "Xiuer, what do you think of Jianhua?"

"Not so good!"

Seeing the pleading in Zhang Lanlan's eyes, Jiang Yi's heart softened for a while.

Forget it, let's take it as a repayment of Zhang Lanlan's kindness in nurturing her predecessor for so many years.

As for the future path, Jiang Yi was a little confused.

No wonder the ancestors often said that plans are not as fast as changes.

She wanted to help Kuoshan Village get rich before, but in a flash, she became someone who was not the daughter of the old Han family.

God, I think you're targeting me, and I have evidence!
In the last mission, the predecessor also had the idea of ​​leading the villagers to get rich, but the man married a new lover.But this time, it was even more ruthless. She simply became the daughter of a rich family whose identity had been changed.

Dog blood!

"Auntie, love is a matter between two people. In marriage, you are looking for a like-minded revolutionary partner who will work together for a lifetime!"

"This Comrade Zheng is obviously not the same as me!"

"So, no matter what kind of agreement you have with my mother, it is your business and has nothing to do with us!"

"You, take your son and go back!"

The you who used to be, don't care what it was for, anyway, you abandoned your predecessor.Now, no matter what purpose you come here for, it's something that can't be undone.

Family affection can not only be maintained by relying on blood.

(End of this chapter)

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