Dressed as an age koi, her mother

Chapter 394 Centrifugal

Chapter 394 Centrifugal
Zheng Jianhua hurried back to Beijing, completely unaware of what was waiting for him.

Han Yuzhu, on the other hand, went through the divorce procedures with Zheng Xianjue as quickly as possible, and then, after receiving a sum of money in compensation, disappeared into the vast crowd.

When Zheng Jianhua returned to Zheng's house and found that he had become Zheng's fourth son, he was completely dumbfounded.

Then, Zheng Jianhua met her own mother, Han Yuzhen.

Han Yuzhu and Han Yuzhen, the two sisters who are directly related.

It's just that Han Yuzhu married Zheng Xianjue, the kind that Ming Media is marrying.And Han Yuzhen followed Zheng Xiandeng, the kind who couldn't see the light.

It was only because Han Yuzhen was dissatisfied with why her elder sister could marry into the Zheng family and be the eldest wife of the Zheng family, but she could only find someone with mud legs to marry.

So, relying on her beauty, Han Yuzhen hooked up with Zheng Xiandeng, and became so fascinated by Zheng Xiandeng that she couldn't find her way out.

The marriage between Zheng Xiandeng and Li Yue'e was a political marriage, and Li Yue'e's appearance can only be regarded as ordinary.However, the background and strength of the Li family were higher than that of the Zheng family. As the daughter of the Li family, Li Yue'e was strong and domineering, making Zheng Xiandeng a little breathless.

Seeing this, Han Yuzhen acted in front of Zheng Xiandeng as a little bird who needed protection, and successfully captured Zheng Xiandeng's heart.

As a result, her words carry a lot of weight here in Zheng Xiandeng's place.

Coupled with jealousy towards Han Yuzhu, Han Yuzhen asked Zheng Xiandeng to exchange two children.

Zhang Lanlan's son was raised in front of Han Yuzhen, and Han Yuzhen often tortured him.

Zheng Jianhua knew the truth, and when he looked at Zhang Lanlan's son whom Zheng Xiandeng considered to be his half-brother, he thought of the grievances he had suffered in Kuoshan Village, and he directly explained the truth.

Zheng Xiandeng, who knew the truth, was also dumbfounded.

Han Yuzhen was even more confused. For so many years, she thought that she had taken revenge on her eldest sister, but she didn't think that she had found the wrong person.

"Jianhua, are you sure?"

"Mom, I'm sure, Han Yuzhu took me there before, and wants me to marry her daughter!"


Hearing this, Zheng Xiandeng jumped up.

At this moment, Zheng Xiandeng was really scared!

Han Yuzhu's daughter is his daughter, and Zheng Jianhua is his son. Fortunately, the marriage failed, otherwise, he would have committed crimes!
Knowing the truth, Zheng Xiandeng hurried to meet his three brothers.

The three Zheng Xianjue who learned the truth from Zheng Xiandeng were also completely speechless.

"What now?"

"Do you want to recognize the person?"

Zheng Xianming looked at his eldest brother, and then at Zheng Xiandeng.

"It doesn't matter to me, you can do whatever you want!"

Although Zheng Xianjue was shocked by the bizarre twists and turns of the incident, as a childless person, he has endured it for so many years, and now he finally no longer has to bear it, but this does not mean that he can accept it all.

To put it bluntly, if given the chance, Zheng Xianjue would even wish to completely destroy the Zheng family.

"I do not mind!"

The youngest of the Zheng family, Zheng Xianli, had an attitude of being nothing to do with himself throughout the whole process.

"You decide, don't ask me about this kind of thing in the future!"

"Also, in a few days, I'm going to become a monk!"

Zheng Xianjue stood up first and walked outside.

"From now on, the affairs of the Zheng family will have nothing to do with me!"

"Big brother!"

Zheng Xianming stood up abruptly and stopped Zheng Xianjue who was walking out.

Although Zheng Xianjue's official position is lower than his, as far as he knows, the leaders above regard his elder brother very highly, and his future prospects are bound to be good.

(End of this chapter)

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