Chapter 397 Annoying
The conversation between the two brothers was a little louder, and they naturally heard the conversation between the two.

Jiang Yi looked back at the two brothers with a calm expression.

To her, these two people are simply thieves who are completely worthless.

However, she didn't intend to do anything.

At least she didn't want to trouble the two of them until she was full.

There are not many people in the dining car, but not too few.

The people who appeared here were at least accompanied by two people, such as Jiang Yi, who only had one diner, Jiang Yi was the only one.

Her arrival has attracted the attention of many people.

Jiang Yi calmly ordered food, found a seat, and ate slowly.

A person, or a woman, comes to the dining car to order food, and the food is not bad.

All of this is definitely a big taboo of only knowing when traveling, not revealing one's wealth.

There are people who eat in the dining car, but everyone.

But what is certain is that those honest people with little money will basically not appear in the dining car to eat.People who can appear in the dining car to eat, either have money themselves, or have a channel to get money.

While eating, Jiang Yi noticed that many eyes were looking at her.


Jiang Yi really doesn't like the current law and order.

She suddenly wanted to end the mission quickly and return to the real world sooner.

Of course, this idea is just a momentary idea.

After all, even if she completes this task, there will be other tasks falling on her later, unless she can untie the connection with Xiao Yu'er, then she can be freed from this constant task life.

"Xiao Yu'er, tell me, how can I terminate the connection with you?"

After Jiang Yi finished her meal, she didn't go back to her seat immediately, but sat by the dining car, communicating with Xiao Yu'er in her heart.

It's a pity that Xiao Yu'er didn't answer her question, and Xian Yu was very thorough.

"You said, we have some friendship now, you should give me a response!"

"I can't, I'm going to be busy with such tasks all my life, right?"

At the beginning, Jiang Yi was still very interested in these tasks. After all, if she completes the tasks a few more times, the birthmark on her face will disappear completely, and she will no longer be ugly, but will become a real beauty .

But now, the tasks Jiang Yi encountered made her feel very bad.

The mission didn't have a clear goal. Compared with the first few missions, Monk Zhang Er was completely confused about the current missions. She had been in the mission world for too long.

This is the time and space when all kinds of materials are very scarce. Even if Jiang Yi has the best patience, she will be irritable if she repeats a similar life again and again.

"The host in the real world dies, and Xiao Yu'er will break the connection with the host!"

Under Jiang Yi's constant nagging, she finally heard Xiao Yu'er's answer.It's just that this answer made Jiang Yi feel really uncomfortable.


"You're being unreasonable, don't you know?"

Jiang Yi was about to be blown up.

This kind of thing, shouldn't you love me?
But in the current situation, it is clearly that you encountered rogue software while playing on the computer. Whether you like it or not, if I catch you, I will hard-bind it for you. Do you want to delete it?Sorry, unless you format the computer system.

But the problem is, the computer can be formatted, but life cannot be repeated!

(End of this chapter)

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