Chapter 399 Deterrence
If she is shameless, she will naturally not be polite to the other party.

Jiang Yi took back her seat easily, but the middle-aged aunt was terrified.She thought her wrist was going to be broken, but when she was let go by Jiang Yi, there was not even a mark on her wrist.

Of course, the most important thing is that her wrist doesn't hurt anymore.

There are always some people in this world who belong to the temperament of forgetting the pain when the scar is healed.

For example, this middle-aged aunt, after Jiang Yi spared her, was ready to launch a verbal offensive against Jiang Yi after a short period of stupor.

Unfortunately, just as she was about to open her mouth, Jiang Yi turned to look at her.

"Believe it or not, I tore your mouth?"

Believe it or not?
Jiang Yi's simple words scared the other party enough.

Seeing Jiang Yi's frightening gaze, the middle-aged lady didn't dare to talk anymore, she quickly found out the nylon bag she had stuffed under the chair, and fled the carriage in embarrassment.

And as she left in a panic, the person sitting opposite Jiang Yi gave Jiang Yi a special look, and then quickly lowered his head.

Jiang Yi's toughness undoubtedly opened the opponent's eyes.

Jiang Yi didn't feel anything about this kind of thing, and didn't want to explain anything to the people around her.Sitting in her seat, she turned her head and looked at the gradually darkening sky outside, feeling a little melancholy.

She is really fed up with this kind of life.

After completing this task, she has to have a good chat with Xiao Yu'er.

It would be best not to repeat such boring tasks. Each task is just like the fast time travel in the novel, but the question is, why does she always play such a role?
Can't there be some excitement?
For example, to see the world of high science fiction, the world of gods and demons?
"Little fish, what do you think?"

Jiang Yi communicated with Xiao Yuer again.

Unfortunately, Xiao Yuer's answer was still spitting bubbles.


Looking at this little fish like a salted fish, Jiang Yi felt that she must have offended someone, otherwise, why would she be involved in such a thing?
The train continued to rumble on.

And the thieves who had been eyeing Jiang Yi before, after seeing Jiang Yi's cleverness in cleaning up the middle-aged aunt, their plans for Jiang Yi also became a little weaker.

Especially those two stupid thieves who have been staring at Jiang Yi are trembling very much at the moment.

The two of them also have strength, but just a simple action like shaking hands can subdue a person, how strong is this strength?
Anyway, neither of their brothers had such great skill.

"God bless!"

"Brother, let's go back to the village to farm, I'm a little scared!"

The stupid thief who had been clamoring for action had completely changed his mind now.

"Shut up! Next stop, let's get off!"

The two thieves, seeing how powerful Jiang Yi was, were so frightened that they changed their ways.

It's just that thieves like them who can think openly and fully realize that there are only a few thieves. Most thieves don't cry when they don't see the coffin. Even when they see the coffin, they will go all the way to the dark.

On the platform where the two stupid thieves got off, another group of people came up. This section of the car, which was relatively empty, was filled up immediately, and the aisle was full of people.

Because it was too late, some people were too sleepy, so they simply lay down under the seat.

When there are too many people in the carriage, the patrol conductors on the train will not be very diligent. After all, it is really difficult to go back and forth.

(End of this chapter)

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