Chapter 333 Baby Project 9
So after returning to Ruicheng, a certain young master immediately put the results of the discussion into action, and he threw all of Qin Zhen's contraceptives into the trash can.

Qin Zhen wiped her head and came out of the bathroom when she saw a certain young master looking through her bag.

"Hey, hey!" Qin Zhen strode over and threw himself on the bed, grabbing his bag, "What are you doing?"

"Give it to me." A certain young master stretched out his hand with a sullen face.

"Why, this is my bag." Qin Zhen immediately hugged his bag, looking like he would guard it to the death.

"You still have medicine in your bag, don't you?"


"Birth control pills."

"Yang Zixiao..." After being dazed for a while, Qin Zhen suddenly called out softly.

Yang Zixiao knew what she was thinking, but it was useless to pretend to be pitiful at this time.This woman, who promised well when she was at her house, forgot what she said in a blink of an eye.

"Come here." He sat up straight, and stretched out his hand to her without any consideration.

"Yang Zixiao..."


Just counting "three", Qin Zhen immediately crawled over from the end of the bed with interest.But she still held her bag tightly in her hand and looked at him very vigilantly.

He pulled her into his arms and spread out his palms: "Take it out yourself."

"But I think we're all still young now." Qin Zhen didn't expect that the words that Yang Zixiao would say in his imagination that day would come out of his own mouth now.

"We still have a lot of time, we're not in a hurry right now. And..." her voice was low, "and we're not married yet, we're still..."

"Where are there so many excuses?" Yang Zixiao snatched her bag while she was not paying attention, "If you want to get married, we can apply for a certificate tomorrow. It's okay. If you think it's too expensive, I can invite you."

"But you haven't proposed to me yet!" Qin Zhen stretched out his hand and scratched in mid-air, but he couldn't catch anything after all. He could only watch Yang Zixiao pour the last bottle of medicine into the trash can.

But it doesn't matter, she can still buy it tomorrow.

But Yang Zixiao seemed to have read her thoughts, and returned the bag to her, "From tomorrow on, I will check from time to time, and if I find you eating that thing again, I will let you know what the price is."

Yang Zixiao clung to her ear, his voice was soft, but his words were full of threats.

But Qin Zhen turned his head in disbelief, "What is it?"

"If you want to not get out of bed for a week, you can try." Yang Zixiao embraced her waist from behind, and put his hand gently on her lower abdomen.

Qin Zhen's face was slightly flushed, she thought, maybe he was serious.But it doesn't matter if he is not serious, at least at this moment, she would rather put everything aside and believe him.

The New Year's holiday passed quickly, and everything returned to its usual order.Qin Zhen called Cui Nan, and Cui Nan asked her to go to work at any time.

But Qin Zhen hesitated at this time. Now she is focused on taking the senior market analyst exam. She already has the education and experience, and now it is only time to review and prepare for the exam.

Although the investment company that Cui Nan and the others are working in is small, there are still a lot of things going on. If Qin Zhen goes, he will not be able to prepare for the exam well.

Soon she will be 27, and this is almost her last time. After all, she still has to think about getting married and having children.And once a woman falls into the sphere of influence of the family, it is difficult to get out and do what she wants to do.

She thought of Wang Yuehua again.

According to Yang Zixiao, the matter between her and the old man is almost settled.

The matter was eventually suppressed by the old man, but even so, Yao Shiling went abroad under the arrangement of his family.Qin Zhen thought, maybe she really needs some time to calm down.

And because of this incident, the old man who had already decided to maintain this marriage suddenly became determined to divorce.Although Yang Zixiao turned to his mother, he still didn't want to interfere with their affairs.

Qin Zhen knew that he was in a dilemma. Although he always confronted the old man on weekdays, the old man was still his biological father no matter what.

When it comes to marriage, the old lady has always been at a disadvantage. Although she makes a lot of trouble, she is just a paper tiger who is fierce and soft.As long as the old man made up his mind, no matter how much trouble she made, she was doomed to fail in the end.

So the matter of divorce was almost settled in this way.Although the divorce procedures have not yet been completed, both parties understand that there is no room for maneuver in the matter.

(End of this chapter)

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