The rich and powerful: I live with my boss

Chapter 356 The Misstep of Sea God Temple 3

Chapter 356 The Misstep of Sea God Temple 3
Yang Zixiao looked at Chen Wanqing, and Qin Zhen saw it, hesitating to wear sunglasses, but she couldn't see the emotion in that look.

But because the brain supplement function is too powerful, Qin Zhen privately interpreted that as an affectionate look.

So she also gouged out Yang Zixiao's eyes bitterly, "Whoever is 'us' with you, who wants to go with you." Then she ran over to hold Chen Wanqing by her arms, "Wanqing, let's go together Go over there and take pictures, and don't let the annoying people spoil the fun there."

Then, without waiting for Chen Wanqing to answer, she dragged her to the distant rock.

Qin Zhen stood on the reef and took several photos, so he ran over and pulled Chen Wanqing over, "Wanqing, please give the camera to the tour guide, let's take a group photo."

"Okay!" Chen Wanqing didn't disappoint, and immediately agreed.

Yang Zixiao, who was snubbed by Qin Zhen, was bored at the side. At this time, another group of young female tourists who came out to play together happened to call him over to help take pictures.

Qin Zhen muttered in a low voice, "Attracting bees and butterflies."

Following Qin Zhen's gaze, Chen Wanqing turned her head to look in Yang Zixiao's direction, smiled slightly and did not speak.

Qin Zhen dragged Chen Wanqing onto the rock together.Chen Wanqing had already put away her umbrella when Qin Zhen was taking pictures. At this time, she was wearing a long flowing skirt and a very tasteful sun hat.

In order to set off the painting style, Qin Zhen also put on his hat.But Chen Wanqing was wearing a pair of thick-soled sandals, while she was wearing a pair of flat shoes. The two were originally about the same height, but there was an obvious gap between them.

Qin Zhen felt a little embarrassed.

Fortunately, Chen Wanqing was understanding, and when she noticed her embarrassment, she bent her legs quietly to accommodate her.

"Come closer, yes, step back a little more." The tour guide pressed the shutter a few times while gesticulating in front of him.Seeing that gesture, Qin Zhen suddenly wanted to laugh.She remembered a cartoon she had read before. Someone was taking pictures on the balcony, and the photographer kept telling her to back and forth, and finally fell down.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but look back and look behind them.Although the reef is also on the edge of the cliff, it is a little far from the bottom, but fortunately there is a soft beach behind, so even if you fall, you will not die!

Thinking of her taking another step back, she forgot that Chen Wanqing had to cooperate with her in this situation.It was not convenient for Chen Wanqing to wear that kind of shoes, and the reef over there was a bit rough, and when she stepped back, she still bent her legs, and accidentally slipped down.

"Ah!" With a low cry, Chen Wanqing actually fell from the rock in front of Qin Zhen.Qin Zhen was still laughing at this dramatic scene a second ago, but he didn't expect it to actually happen in front of him this second.

"Wan Qing!" Qin Zhen quickly got down on the ground and grabbed her.Probably because the gravity of the fall was too great, at that moment, Qin Zhen felt the tremor of the reef under him.

Her heart began to beat wildly, but she didn't have time to think about whether she was afraid or not.Someone must come to rescue them now, otherwise both of them will surely fall.

But in the first few seconds, she saw someone coming to strike up a conversation with Dayou, probably a tourist who asked to take a photo.I don't know if the tour guide is still there.

But Qin Zhen still opened his voice and shouted, "Help..." Just as he yelled for help, the rock under him seemed to move again.Qin Zhen could no longer tell if the trembling was the heartbeat in his chest, or if the real rock was about to fall.

But at this moment, her hand was almost exhausted, Chen Wanqing dragged her down in pain.

(End of this chapter)

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