The rich and powerful: I live with my boss

383 Chapter 4 The Dark Gap [-]

383 Chapter 4 The Dark Gap [-]
The call was from Lu Yan. He was getting married tomorrow.

Marriage is a happy event, but Qin Zhen doesn't think Lu Yan is happy.In fact, she never thought Lu Yan was happy, he was always so plain, with cool sadness.

He is a psychiatrist, but he cannot cure the disease in his heart.

Qin Zhen didn't know what to say, and even forgot to say blessings.Lu Yan didn't say anything, just asked about her recent situation.

Qin Zhen told him about the happy things she had encountered during this period. If these things could make him happier, why wouldn't she do it?

When saying goodbye, Lu Yan suddenly mentioned: "I'm still waiting for your blessing!" His tone was light, obviously joking, but it made Qin Zhen feel sad.

Qin Zhen was stunned for a few seconds, then smiled and said, "Oh, I forgot, look at my head." She patted herself on the head as she spoke.Time seemed to be stuck a few months ago, she and Lu Yan sat face to face in the coffee shop, he listened to his rambling, and then smiled warmly.

There is a piece of very old music in the coffee shop, so soothing, like the melody from an old gramophone.Their position happened to be by the window, and outside the window, the sun was just right.

After hanging up the phone, Qin Zhen returned to the room.

Yang Zixiao was holding a box of matches, lighting them up, blowing them out, throwing them into the trash can, and then taking out another one, repeating the cycle.

"Playing with fire and wetting the bed." Qin Zhen walked over and snatched the match in his hand, and pulled him up from the bed, "Go take a shower first, I just changed the sheets today."

Yang Zixiao stood up from the bed, but he was not in a good mood.

"What's wrong?" Qin Zhen walked over and pinched his face, "Who messed with our young master again?"

"Qin Zhen, what are you doing?"


"Who is so important, why do you go outside after answering the phone?" In the past, she rarely avoided him deliberately when answering the phone, but today she not only avoided him, but also patiently closed the door.

But unfortunately, in order to transmit light, the door was made of glass.She didn't turn on the light, but there was bright moonlight outside the door, and the large piece of silver slanted down from the distant sky, just hitting her face.

He could see her every expression and every smile clearly.

Qin Zhen put her arms around his waist flatteringly, and she always liked to flatter him like this when she did something wrong, "Are you angry?"

But this guilty act made Yang Zixiao feel even more annoyed. He pulled away her hand and raised his eyes: "That man named Lu Yan?"

"Lu Yan and I are just friends..."

"Why do friends need to talk for so long?" Yang Zixiao's face was obviously angry, but he sneered, and looked at the watch in his hand, "47 minutes. Didn't you say it was hot today? You pulled the door so tightly. Why didn't you get too hot just now?"

"Yang Zixiao, are you so interesting?" Qin Zhen seemed to understand what he meant, so he sat down beside the bed, "Yang Zixiao, what are you trying to say? What's wrong with Lu Yan? Did he chat for a while?"

"What do you mean, what do you want to do with him outside of the chat?" Yang Zixiao acted like a child when his temper came up, but now he was full of anger, so he followed her words and asked.

The law of nature is that one thing subsides one thing, no matter how shrewd a man is, he will always meet a woman who can bring your IQ to the same level as hers.

And the woman Yang Zixiao met was Qin Zhen.

No matter how shrewd and decisive Yang Zixiao was in other matters, when he met Qin Zhen, his IQ immediately approached infinitely closer to zero.

(End of this chapter)

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