miss the rest of my life

Chapter 167 I have a measure

Chapter 167 I have a measure
Qin Shu got out of the car tremblingly shaking his legs, walked a few steps and then looked back at the car in the corner, knowing that he would not be able to see it after running far away, so he was slightly relieved.

The young man standing by the car smiled at Tan Chuyun: "Chief, you scare him. Knowing this is a secret and you don't need to keep it secret. We are not like that."

Tan Chuyun took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, pulled out one, and held it to his lips: "I was just joking with him, and wanted to see his reaction. Uh-huh, I didn't expect it and I couldn't help but be a little scared."

The young man stood aside, seeing the inexplicable smile on the corner of his chief's mouth, and felt a chill down his spine.


In the bright room, the white curtains fluttered in the wind.

Zuo Qingqing woke up as usual. In the past few months, only she and the doctor were here to fight against drug addiction. Fantastic video clips flooded her heart from time to time. Corrode her.

The window has already been installed with a stainless steel fence - to prevent her from jumping off the building.

Cheng Hao will not come to see her, the only time he saw her was when he left her here on the first day, her sanity slowly returned as the drug addiction in her body decreased, although sometimes she was sober and sometimes crazy, But she found an undeniable fact—Cheng Hao was helping her quit drugs.

Why help her?
In order to avoid being searched by some people, she took the trouble to move her to several places.Finally came back here.

She knew that not only Yu Xia was looking for her, but also the loan shark was looking for her. It would be great if Yu Xia found her, but if he found her, she would have to shed a layer of skin if she was not dead.

The doctor glanced at her through the glass window outside the door, saw that she was awake, opened the door and came in, holding a tray in his hand, for daily medicine injections, Zuo Qingqing seemed to have gotten used to it, and automatically and consciously rolled up her sleeves, letting her go Doctors stuck needles into her skin.

It's not that she never thought of escaping, but where could she go if she escaped?
Her heart is broken, she is no longer a beautiful person, how can she be worthy of Bai Hao, how can she be worthy of anyone?

Just right, hiding in this snail shell, as if everything in the world has nothing to do with her.


Yu Xia stood on the balcony and glanced at the room. Cheng Chen was cooking in an apron. She told the person on the phone: "Okay, I understand. Don't tell Cheng Chen about this beforehand."

Tan Chuyun on the phone couldn't help teasing: "Yu Xia, it's not a big deal. It's not good for you to hide it from your husband."

After a long time, Yu Xia whispered, "I know it myself."

"Okay, you make your own decision, don't blame me for not reminding you if you suffer a loss."

Yu Xia interrupted him sullenly: "Stop talking nonsense, and send me the address."

After hanging up the phone, Yu Xia turned around and was looking at Cheng Chen standing by the window with a spatula in his hands. There was a little smile in the corner of his eyes. I don't know how much he listened to what he said just now. What, Yu Xia felt guilty for no reason, approached him proactively, hugged his waist, and the faint smell of Cheng Chen rushed into his nostrils.

I just felt a muffled low laugh coming from the top of my head: "Xiao Xia, I'm about to itch to death, let me go, although I really like you acting like a baby with me like this, but my food is going to be mushy."

Yu Xia had no choice but to let him go, and looked into his eyes fixedly, unable to see any clues.

(End of this chapter)

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