miss the rest of my life

Chapter 211 Cheng Chen's Last Move

Chapter 211 Cheng Chen's Last Move

But now, he doesn't want to.

Cheng Chen blocked the knife for him, which shocked him too much. He always thought that Cheng Chen, like his parents, always stood on the sidelines, and he was reluctant to stand in his position and think about him.

He was wrong. Cheng Chen never thought of surpassing him. His elder brother was better than him, but as an elder brother, he had to bear more expectations. Even if he didn't become an outstanding person as he wished, he didn't need to be criticized by others.

It was him who kept blinding his eyes.

The phone vibrated a few times in his hand, Yu Xia pressed the connect button: "What's the matter? Okay, I'll be right back."

Yu Xia glanced at Cheng Hao: "No matter what you think, but now that your brother is awake, let's go back."

Cheng Hao's eyes lit up. Although Cheng Chen's injury was not fatal, but Cheng Chen had to agree to his request before going to the hospital. He bled too much and was in shock when he was sent to the hospital. Did not put it down.

The anesthesia has passed, and now the pain is even worse. His back hurts so much that Cheng Chen can only lie on his stomach. The sharp pain from his back made him faint. His pale lips moved. After moving, Yu Xia immediately trotted over and grabbed his hand.

She was choked up because of the quarrel before, and she couldn't express it, she just felt distressed blindly. Seeing him hurt, she also felt Cheng Chen's state of mind in the face of his disappearance.

Cheng Chen's assistant was standing by the door, hesitant. The chairman and his wife were deeply in love with each other. At this time, she had some company situation that she had to report. She hesitated a few times, and finally made up her mind to speak up.

"That...Cheng Dong, I want to report on my work."

Yu Xia made up her mind, stood up, and looked at her. With such a big incident happening in Sequoia, the directors in the company will not be calm: "Speak, I will handle it."

The assistant looked at all the other people in the room, but said nothing.

Yu Xia glanced at it and said, "Let's all go out."

Cheng Chen looked at Cheng Hao, his lips moved slightly: "Cheng Hao, stay here."

Yu Xia frowned, she was still a little worried about Cheng Hao.

"It's okay." Cheng Chen gave her a reassuring look.

After the door of the ward was closed, the assistant opened her folder, frowning: "Directors Liu and Director He, who hold 5% and 3% of the shares in the board of directors respectively, have sold their shares to Qiansheng." She paused After a while, "This is the transaction I know on the surface. I don't know how many shares are transferred secretly. But for the time being, Director Cheng is still the largest director."

Cheng Chen closed his eyes, he had already expected these situations, but he didn't expect Qian Sheng, who said at the beginning to help Sequoia, would now take the first step when Sequoia was in trouble, and he didn't expect Yao Qingshan to be in such a hurry intolerable.

Cheng Chen hooked his lips: "It's okay, Sequoia's charter stipulates that 'only one director can be re-elected every year', so far, even if I fall, it will take at least three years to completely reorganize the board of directors and remove all old directors Time. Even if the compromising three shareholders turn against me, I still have two years to regroup and fight back." After speaking, he coughed a few times, his condition had just stabilized, and after talking so much, Cheng Chen felt a little short of breath.

When his breathing stabilized again, he looked at Cheng Hao: "Next, it's up to you."

(End of this chapter)

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