miss the rest of my life

Chapter 222 Poison Pill Project

Chapter 222 Poison Pill Project
In a small office, Cheng Hao sat in a high position, and he gathered a few people from the legal department for a meeting. These are Cheng Chen's confidantes and he can trust them.

Russell was on the sidelines while recording. They were struggling with how to deal with Yao Qingshan’s big acquisition. Qiansheng was indeed facing the acquisition of Lao Tianpu before, and had sought help from Sequoia, but now, Yao Qingshan has turned against him. Tianpu's funds entered Qiansheng, and started from Qiansheng to acquire Sequoia.

Russell frowned and said: "Now Qiansheng already owns 19.5% of Sequoia's shares. If this continues, Sequoia will change hands within a few days. It's a breeze."

Cheng Hao pinched the center of his eyebrows, and said lightly: "Do you have any good solutions?"

The people below are in a state of desperation. If they can figure out a way, they won't have to stay up late for a week without going home to work overtime. The powerful acquisition capital chain can't be cut off, and the free circulation of stocks can't be stopped. There is really no way.

"What is Sequoia's total share capital now?" Cheng Hao asked suddenly.

"5048 million shares." Russell frowned slightly.

"What does Qiansheng have now?" Cheng Hao asked leisurely, leaning back in his chair.

"984 million shares, or 19.5% of Sequoia." Russell replied, did Cheng Hao have any plans?
Cheng Hao put his hand to his lips, and said slowly: "It will be issued from now on. Qiansheng and its affiliates will acquire another 0.5% or more of the shares. The shareholders recorded at the beginning of this year will receive one share option for each share, and have the right to buy dividends at half price. Cedar stock, the exercise limit of share options is 150 US dollars."

"What are you?" Russell was a little puzzled. Not only is this method not consolidating the loss of stocks, but it also encourages everyone to buy?

The Ph.D. who graduated from the MBA next to him understood it as soon as he heard it. He slapped his thigh and praised: "Why didn't I think of it! This is a good idea! If the term is the shareholder until the beginning of this year, Qiansheng hasn't stepped in yet." We can arrange some manpower to let the majority of retail investors buy our stocks."

Cheng Hao smiled slightly: "Let the Propaganda Department make a big publicity, I don't believe it, who would not be tempted to buy shares at half price."

Russell was a little apprehensive: "This method is too risky." Cheng Chen has always been suitable for prudent and down-to-earth people. The effect of these methods is unknown. Once they fail, Sequoia's stock can only become a cheap thin piece of paper.

"How sure are you?" Russell asked.

Cheng Hao raised his eyes and looked at her: "[-]%." Everything has two sides, "If you don't take any action now, it will only make the situation worse. This is the only way to turn the tide and turn defeat into victory. The risk is not big, how can there be such an effect.”

Those who achieve great things must have courage and strategy in their hearts. It is a good thing to be able to solve things safely, but those who achieve great things must have the courage to bear risks.

"Okay. I'll do it." Russell nodded.

"The detailed regulations will be discussed by the legal department. Qiansheng will definitely not be able to take advantage of this loophole and come up with another way." Cheng Hao took a sip of tea, and the faint astringency and sweetness spread out in his mouth , he felt very comfortable, "This is called the poison pill plan."

Poison pill?Russell looked sideways slightly, the name came from...

"Dong dong dong!" The door of this small office was knocked three times. Russell looked at Cheng Hao's face, stood up and walked out the door. After a while, he brought a few people in.

Cheng Hao sat on his seat without moving.

Russell said: "These are the persons in charge of the case of the accident victim's unit. They want to take the windshield of the accident vehicle back to the Beijing office for inspection."

At this moment, Cheng Hao stood up hurriedly, with an eager expression on his face, and slightly bowed his body with a look of pain. He waved his hand and told Russell: "Quickly, go and call the people from the purchasing department."

What does the guy in the purchasing department do?What does purchasing have to do with this?Russell was confused, but still called the people from the purchasing department according to Cheng Hao's request.

(End of this chapter)

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