You are more beautiful than the stars

Chapter 106 Seeing Mars Hit the Earth?

Chapter 106 Seeing Mars Hit the Earth?

Ye Mohan walked back to his bedroom slowly and stiffly.

What Ye Qingxue said repeated over and over in his ears.

But I don't like him now.

Maybe I didn't like him in the first place.

I couldn't accept it for a while, and couldn't distinguish my own mind, so I...

And now I can tell the difference, I clearly understand my heart, I don't like him.

It is absolutely impossible for me to talk to him.

These words pierced his heart like a sharp invisible sword.

It hurts!

Even breathing hurts!

I didn't like myself at first.

Absolutely impossible with me.

What are those 101 confessions and 11 solemn confessions?
"Oh, Ye Qingxue, you really have the ability to hurt people's hearts!"

Ye Mohan's brows were filled with dissatisfaction, his long eyelashes covered the undulations in his eyes, and a curve froze stiffly at the corner of his mouth.


After a few days, Ye Mohan was dealing with the company's contract on the one hand, and would go back to Ye's house very late every night, sometimes back to Muyun Villa.

Weekend, Ye Zhai.

"Look, look..." Gu Zhen hurried downstairs with her iPad in her arms, the expression on her face was extraordinarily exciting.

"Xiaozhen, can we keep the focus?" Gu Lanbing wanted to laugh but was helpless.

Ye Qingxue joked, "What? Did you see sparks hit the earth?"

"It's about the same." Gu Zhen panted slightly, and then handed the iPad to Ye Qingxue and Gu Lanbing.

The Weibo interface shows: Celebrity Miyamoto Yao discloses her boyfriend Ye Mohan, president of Qingmo Group.

Below are some text content and a group photo of Ye Mohan and Miyamoto Yao.

There are also some comments from netizens.

Fei Piaopiao~: Damn, my Yaoyao actually has a boyfriend?And the other party is actually the president of Qingmo Group?Should the news be so shocking...

A drop of clear water: Facts have proved that a princess can only be matched with a prince. (envious)
There's so much nonsense: It's fine to be rich, but you're still handsome, God is unfair... From now on, Ye Mohan will be my male god.

Red boy fucking! : The husband in my fantasy is not so handsome, no, my little heart~
Omega and Omega: @红巴儿dammit! : Isn't your husband the Bull Demon King? (laughing out loud)
Mr. Crab doesn't eat crab roe buns: Those two upstairs, are you here to have fun?


It took less than an hour for the news to be released.

Ye Qingxue pursed her thin lips and stared at the iPad with an indescribable feeling in her heart.

Although the woman she saw in the mall only looked at her profile from a distance, she could be sure that the woman was definitely not Miyamoto Yao.

What is not close to women's sex is clearly a playful heart.

No, it's my heart.

Otherwise, how could it have been hidden so well all these years?Even himself was deceived by his cold and ascetic appearance.

Gu Zhen excitedly said: "Damn, my brother even has his own way in this matter. Look, the hit rate exceeded [-] million within an hour of posting."

Gu Lanbing's heart is also full of flavors and Chen Za's expression is solemn: "I'll call him and ask him."

It doesn't look like the news is fake, but I don't believe it is true.

There is no sign at all, why do you suddenly have a girlfriend?
After the call was connected, Gu Lanbing asked straight to the point: "Mo Han, I saw the Weibo that Xiaozhen showed me. It said that your celebrity is your girlfriend. Do you know about this?"


"Then it's true?"

"Mom, there's still something to do in the company. Let's talk about it when I get home."

"Hey, you..." Gu Lanbing wanted to say something and the phone was hung up.

"You son of a bitch." Gu Lanbing was very upset when the phone was hung up, and she stood out and cursed.

 Good night!Remember to vote ⊙⊙!
(End of this chapter)

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