You are more beautiful than the stars

Chapter 218 I Still Have Your Seed In My Stomach

Chapter 218 I Still Have Your Seed In My Stomach

Ye Mohan lives in her room, this should be arranged by Ye Mohan.

Except this bottle... looks like a perfume bottle.

Does Ye Mohan use perfume?
Ye Qingxue stared at it in a daze for a moment, then picked it up and took a closer look, only to realize that it was aftershave.

Ye Qingxue's hair was covered with black lines, he really planned to stay in her room for a long time...

Ye Qingxue put down the aftershave lotion, and she lost her hand. With a bang, the aftershave lotion fell from the edge of the sink shelf.

Ye Qingxue's heart: &%#$+~%#
Ye Mohan heard the voice from the bedroom and put down the magazine in his hand, and ran to the bedroom in a hurry, his deep eyes revealed a rare panic.

As soon as Ye Mohan entered, he saw broken bottles and glass shards everywhere on the ground, as well as the smell of aftershave in the air.

Hearing the man's footsteps, Ye Qingxue smiled awkwardly at Ye Mohan, and twitched the corners of her mouth first, "Uh... I didn't mean it."

Ye Qingxue saw Ye Mo walking over with no expression on his face, and his footsteps looked a little menacing.

Ye Qingxue swallowed, and stepped back subconsciously, her mouth could no longer keep up with the rhythm of her brain.

I was thinking...

The good temper that has been pretended for so many days is finally exposed.

Hey, if you don't come over, won't I just break you an aftershave?At worst, I will pay you one... I still have your seed in my stomach, don't scare him away...

"Stand still!" Ye Mohan said.

Ye Qingxue was startled, but she didn't move anymore.

It seems that this foot still prefers to listen to his... words!

Ye Mohan walked over, and hugged Ye Qingxue horizontally.

Ye Qingxue was startled again, apparently not expecting his next move.

Ye Mohan took Ye Qingxue out with strides and put him on the bed, with worry in his eyes, "Did you get hurt anywhere?"

Ye Qingxue nodded Yaoyao in a daze.

Ye Mohan glanced down at Ye Qingxue's fair legs, making sure that there were no wounds, and the tense nerves all over his body relaxed.

Ye Mohan turned around and was about to leave.

Ye Qingxue grabbed him, and couldn't help asking: "Ye Mohan, why don't you speak?"

Ye Mohan: "Say what?"

The corners of Ye Qingxue's mouth twitched speechlessly, and she held back for a moment and said, "Shall I smash your aftershave?"

Ye Mohan: "If you break it, you will break it. What can you say?"

Ye Qingxue was completely speechless.

The development of things for Mao is not what I imagined.

He strode over in the bathroom just now, does he know the speed of her heartbeat...

Seeing Ye Qingxue's speechless expression, Ye Mohan suddenly realized what she meant when she asked him this question, and lightly parted his thin lips, he added, "It's not as good as a strand of your hair!"

Ye Qingxue: "..."

Ye Mohan: "I'll go in and deal with it!"

Ye Qingxue nodded.

Having kids is really different.

I remember when she was 14 years old, she broke one of his pens, but he let himself get out...

That day, when she came home from school and played games until dark, she suddenly remembered that she hadn't written her homework yet.

Afterwards, she dropped her mobile phone and ran to the study to write quickly, looking at her eyes... a golden pen was in the pen holder.

After she had done almost everything, there was one last math problem left. She knew the answer to the problem, but the answer she wrote out was not consistent with the answer. She racked her brains and used many methods to calculate this problem, but all ended in mistakes.

She ravaged her hair, and couldn't bear it anymore, so she poked the test paper with the tip of the pen.

The tip of the last pen...was poked crookedly.

It happened that Ye Mohan pushed the door open and entered.

(End of this chapter)

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