You are more beautiful than the stars

Chapter 224 My Wife Is Used to Dote on You

Chapter 224 My Wife Is Used to Dote on You

"Mu Qing, Ting Xiao, you are here, come quickly!" Mother Tang came over and waved warmly.

Du Tingxiao and Tang Muqing handed some skin care products to Aunt Wang and walked to Mother Tang.

"Ting Xiao, Mu Qing didn't make you angry at Du's house, did she?" Mother Tang asked with a smile.

Du Tingxiao hugged Mu Qing into his arms, and smiled, "How come? The most worthwhile thing in my life is to marry Mu Qing!"

"I'm afraid you will spoil Mu Qing in the future!" Mother Tang said, but the smile on her face deepened.

Tang Muqing lowered her head, her lips were slightly raised all the time, she seemed to be showing a shy appearance of a woman, and when she looked carefully at the smile, she was slightly self-deprecating.

Only she knew what Du Tingxiao meant by these words.

[The most worthwhile thing in my life is to marry Mu Qing! 】

In other words, he never missed an opportunity to torture her in his life.

Du Tingxiao: "Wife is used to pamper and get used to!"

Tang Muqing cast a sideways glance at Du Tingxiao, and couldn't help but slander.

Did he slap his face unconsciously by saying this?
Tang's mother: "Ting Xiao, you and your father really look exactly the same. Your father values ​​feelings, but you are better than blue!"

"You know my dad very well?" Du Tingxiao tightened his grip on Tang Muqing's arm, his smiling eyes grew colder, and the corners of his mouth curled into a hint of sarcasm.

Tang Muqing's heart skipped a beat, and she looked at Du Tingxiao with panic in her eyes.

"Your dad and I grew up together!" Mother Tang didn't notice anything wrong.

"Oh... I thought it had something else to do with it!"

Doubt appeared in Mother Tang's eyes, "Ting Xiao..."

Tang Muqing interrupted Mother Tang's next words, "Mom, we were already hungry before we came here... I want to eat your sweet and sour pork ribs and white fungus soup, let's go and make them together!" The mother's arm looks like a baby.

"What do you look like?" Tang's mother spoiled, "You are here with Ting Xiao, if you want to eat, mom will make it for you now!"

Du Tingxiao's deep eyes stared at Tang Muqing and Tang's mother, with envy that he didn't even realize
Why didn't he know that Tang Muqing sent Mother Tang away on purpose.

It's just that she was worrying too much. Although her mother mentioned that her father was indeed out of control, he would not behave too much.

From breakfast to noon, Du Tingxiao did not show any abnormality.


the next day.

Tang Muqing was in the company all morning, and learned that the company and the Lu Group still had a dinner.

Tang Muqing volunteered to negotiate the contract by herself.

Mother Tang: "You just came to the company and you don't know anything yet!"

"Mom, Lu Jingxu, the president of Lushi Group, is my classmate, and he plays well, and on the day I got married, he also participated in the wedding between me and Du Tingxiao." Tang Muqing mentioned that Du Tingxiao's eyes were full of hatred and imperceptible heartache.

"He was there on the day you got married?" Mother Tang half-believed.

"Well, it's just that he's in an inconspicuous corner, unnoticed!" Tang Muqing nodded firmly.

Lu Jingxu did come that day, and he didn't leave until the wedding was over.

He was sitting in a remote place, and he had just taken office as the president of the Lu Group, so the wedding people didn't pay much attention to him.

If you pay attention... you should still see his appearance!

"But you don't understand anything, do you know how to negotiate this contract?" Mother Tang looked worried.

Tang Muqing: "..."

She really didn't know much about it, but this person happened to be Lu Jingxu.

 The number of recommendation votes has decreased, um... Since you don't like to watch the part of Chief Du, then don't write it


(End of this chapter)

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