You are more beautiful than the stars

Chapter 314 No one is more suitable than you!

Chapter 314 No one is more suitable than you!
Ye Qingxue gave him a white look.

Seeing that Ye Mohan was limping, Ye Qingxue didn't argue with him, "Wait."

After walking two steps, Ye Qingxue turned around again, "Which outfit are you wearing?"

Ye Mohan looked at Ye Qingxue with dim eyes, "You can take whatever set you like!"

The corner of Ye Qingxue's mouth twitched, she turned and left the bedroom.

The moment Ye Qingxue left the room, the corners of Ye Mohan's mouth curved into a heart-wrenching arc.

He pretended to be disabled, not just ordering the little girl, but this feeling is not bad.

"Here you are." Ye Qingxue threw the clothes to Ye Mohan.

Ye Qingxue didn't choose a suit for Ye Mohan, it's colder to wear a suit this season.

But the clothes I chose were black inside and out. I chose a black sweater, a black woolen trench coat, and black pants.

But it can't be her fault.

Ye Mohan has a lot of clothes, but most of them are black without exception, only a few sets of clothes are white, like blue, gray, and there is no showy pink at all.

Ye Mohan unbuttoned his nightgown directly in front of Ye Qingxue.

Ye Qingxue was stunned for a moment, then her cheeks turned red.

Just as he turned around to leave, he heard a magnetic and pleasant voice from behind.

"You are gone, who will push the wheelchair for me?"

Ye Qingxue turned her back to Ye Mohan, lowered her eyes and said embarrassingly: "Oh, then change quickly!"

Ye Qingxue looked at the wheelchair three meters away from Ye Mohan.

She wondered, how did this guy climb into bed last night?And who sent him to her bedroom?

After a while, Ye Mohan opened his thin lips and said, "Push the wheelchair over here!"

Ye Qingxue went to push the wheelchair to the bed. Seeing that Ye Mohan was struggling to sit in the wheelchair, Ye Qingxue went to help him, tilted her head and asked, "You really saved someone from being injured?"

Ye Mohan sat in a wheelchair, and asked Ye Qingxue with deep eyes, "Don't you believe me?"

Ye Qingxue shook her head and said bluntly, "I don't really believe it!"

"It's fine if you don't believe me." Ye Mohan raised his eyebrows, not intending to discuss this topic.

Ye Qingxue: "..."

"Let's go!" Ye Mohan glanced at Ye Qingxue, motioning for Ye Qingxue to push him away.

Ye Qingxue was seriously aware of this problem, and said to Ye Mohan solemnly: "I think you need someone to serve you by your side."

"Well, I have found someone who serves me by my side."


Ye Mohan looked at Ye Qingxue meaningfully, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

Seeing the light in Ye Mohan's eyes, Ye Qingxue suddenly realized, and she sternly refused, "I don't!"

Ye Mohan's eyes were deep, and he said solemnly: "I have thought about it seriously, no one is more suitable than you!"

"Why?" Ye Qingxue was puzzled.

"Because you are the mother of my two children!" After Ye Mohan finished speaking, his eyes slowly stared at Ye Qingxue's lower abdomen.

"..." Ye Qingxue choked for a long time.

Immediately denied, "No! They are your nephew and niece!"

Ye Mohan rolled his eyelids lightly, and said unhurriedly: "I don't admit it."

Ye Qingxue: "..."

Ye Mohan continued: "The family is full of maids, how can we let them serve you?
Besides, I was sleeping in this room, would you like to have someone beside you to serve another person while you are sleeping?

And you are right next to me, why should I look far away? "

Ye Qingxue gave Ye Mohan another white look, and secretly complained.

fart!Obviously you are the one who insists on sleeping in this room with such a shameless face!

But what Ye Mohan said is not unreasonable, there are maids in the house, it must be inconvenient!
But...she is also very inconvenient, okay...

(End of this chapter)

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