You are more beautiful than the stars

Chapter 325 I Have Heard the Heartbreak

Chapter 325 I Have Heard the Heartbreak
And Du Tingxiao also exaggerated. Ye Mohan didn't suffer gunshot wounds on both legs, so he could barely walk.

But she didn't understand why Ye Mohan was in a wheelchair!

Ye Mohan's eyes showed a kind of deep meaning, "Guess!"

Ye Qingxue gave Ye Mohan a white look, and said angrily: "I can guess that I will ask you!"

Ye Mohan: "..."

After a while, Ye Mohan asked slowly, "Do you think it's better to sit in a wheelchair or walk with a limp?"

Ye Qingxue understood instantly.

This guy's self-esteem is very... strong!

He would rather let others push him than walk with a limp.

If it were her, she would also choose to sit in a wheelchair!
Not only does it look better than walking with a limp, it's also comfortable to sit on...

Ye Qingxue: "Why did Du Tingxiao say that you might spend your whole life in a wheelchair?"

Ye Mohan patted his right leg, and his thin lips parted slightly: "If my leg doesn't get better, won't I just be in a wheelchair for the rest of my life?"

Ye Qingxue: "..."

Ye Qingxue dragged her chin and stared curiously at Ye Mohan's right leg, then slowly squatted down.

While asking Ye Mohan, he pinched Ye Mohan's calf to test, "Did you lose feeling in this leg?"

"Hmm..." Ye Mohan pursed his lips, not knowing whether he responded in pain or simply.


On the day of the football match held by the school, Ye Qingxue was unable to participate, so she had to stay in bed to watch it during the live broadcast.

After a while, a few classmates beside Du Xiaofei saw Ye Qingxue on their mobile phones.

So he immediately surrounded Du Xiaofei and Tang Muqing excitedly, and even a few boys looked at Ye Qingxue on the phone screen with their innate advantages.

Tong Mo: "Hey, hey, this is Xiaoxue..."

Zhao Wenxuan excitedly said, "What?"

Fang Ji: "Wow, really! Xiaoxue, what are you doing at home all this time?"

Ye Qingxue: Raise a baby!
Xu Yating: "That's right, that's what I want to ask too, do you know that we miss you very much!"

Ye Qingxue: So she is so popular...

Han Lemei: "That's right? You don't tell us about the sudden suspension of school."

Ye Qingxue: Ye Mohan arranged, she didn't know!

Lan Shuirou: "That's right! And you didn't come to your favorite football game anyway."

Ye Qingxue wanted to cry but had no tears: So you all know that I like football games the most!

Xu Yating asked: "Xiaoxue, why don't you speak?"

Ye Qingxue: I have already answered you silently in my heart.

Fang Ji immediately asked excitedly, "Have you forgotten how many of us there are?"

"No!" Ye Qingxue said easily, and then said in a muffled voice, "You guys blocked me from watching the football match!"

Looking at the huge football field, a group of people were fighting desperately there, besieging a small bun not far away.

A few people came to their senses in an instant, and dispersed one after another, but only a little, instead of forming a bun shape like just now.

Han Lemei had a hurt expression on her face, "Woooo... Xiaoxue, we are so sad when you say that!"

Fang Ji covered her heart, "Ah... I have heard the sound of my heart breaking."

Du Xiaofei and Tang Muqing looked at them with idiot eyes.

At this moment, they could not say anything.

Ye Qingxue was speechless in shock, and then penetrated into their performance, "Give me a hammer, and let your hearts be broken into glass shards!"

Fang Ji and Han Lemei: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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