You are more beautiful than the stars

Chapter 340 Just Talking About Saving Milk Powder Money for Children

Chapter 340 Just Talking About Saving Milk Powder Money for Children
After going out to play and returning, Ye Qingxue lay down in the room to read a book.

After the child is born and finished confinement, she will take the exam.

But now she just read one book and didn't finish it, what would she use for the exam.

Although she graduated from this exam, she didn't want to leave a bleak mark on her previous brilliant achievements.

Originally, she wanted to hire a tutor, but Mommy and the damn Ye Mohan insisted that they would save money for the baby's milk powder, and they didn't want to hire a tutor.

But she is not a genius, she is self-taught!

She still had to ask Ye Mohan for some financial questions and Mathematical Olympiad questions.

Ye Mohan was very happy to teach, but he only restricted Ye Qingxue to read books for half an hour.

Ye Qingxue knew the reason.

It's for her, belly, son, li, son, son!


But these days, Ye Mohan came back relatively late, Ye Qingxue stayed in the room and read the book by herself, and did a few more questions, and all the other questions have been completed.

but!Because she couldn't do one of the questions, Ye Qingxue made what she thought was a minor mistake again.

With one hand dragging his chin, while the other hand was bored, drawing circles and crosses on the book, waiting for Ye Mohan to come back and explain this question to her.

There was a knock on the door outside the bedroom, and Lin Yueyan asked softly, "Qingxue, are you there?"

Ye Qingxue immediately put down her pen and ran over to open the door, and saw Lin Yueyan standing at the door holding milk with a slight smile.

Lin Yueyan walked in carrying the milk.

Seeing a thick stack of books and a pen on the desk on the balcony, he asked, "Are you still working on the questions?"

Ye Qingxue: "Yeah! I've finished all of them, and there's one thing left that won't wait for my brother to come and teach me."

Lin Yueyan's expression changed imperceptibly, and then she smiled and handed the milk to Ye Qingxue, "Drink a cup of hot milk to replenish your energy!"

"Thank you." Ye Qingxue thanked her, and reached out to take the milk.

But Ye Qingxue's hand only touched the milk cup, Lin Yueyan suddenly tilted the cup and spilled it into Ye Qingxue's hand.

Ye Qingxue frowned, raised her eyes to stare at Lin Yueyan suspiciously, and opened her thin lips lightly, just about to say something.

Lin Yueyan bent her lips strangely at Ye Qingxue.

In front of Ye Qingxue, she poured all the milk in the cup on the ground.

Lin Yueyan's smile suddenly made Ye Qingxue feel terrible.

After that, Lin Yueyan slammed the cup hard, and the cup immediately shattered.

"Yueyan, what are you doing?" Ye Qingxue frowned and asked sharply.

She felt that Lin Yueyan, who was extremely rich in the city, was not very simple.

Now she is not as kind and gentle as before, just like a piranha, she can show her claws at any time.

Lin Yueyan still had a faint and weird smile on her lips, she knelt down slowly to pick up a piece of broken glass, and then stood up slowly.

Ye Qingxue didn't think about what Lin Yueyan would do, but she subconsciously protected her stomach.

The expression on Ye Qingxue's face had become very cold, her eyes were deep and deep staring at Lin Yueyan, wanting to see what she was going to do.

"Do you know what I'm going to do next?" Lin Yueyan said suddenly, playing with the glass piece in her hand.

Ye Qingxue narrowed her eyes and stared at the glass, and asked indifferently, "Use this to hurt me?"

Lin Yueyan asked lightly, "If I hurt you, can I still stay in Ye's house?"

After finishing speaking, Lin Yueyan took the glass piece and forgot to slash her face heavily, and blood gushed out directly.

Ye Qingxue's eyes widened, staring at Lin Yueyan in disbelief.

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(End of this chapter)

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