You are more beautiful than the stars

Chapter 393 Calling You Han Ambiguously...

Chapter 393 Calling You Han Ambiguously...

Ye Qingxue looked down at the big hands around her waist, raised her head and asked Ye Mohan: "Who told you to hug me?"

Ye Mohan changed the subject calmly, "Don't change the subject! Is that why you don't trust me?"

Ye Qingxue forgot about Ye Mohan hugging her for a second, and said, "Then let me ask you, what did you do when you went to America last time? Don't tell me you went to work. How can there be a job without a secretary and assistant with you?" of!"

Even if what he said is true now, how should he explain it last time?

Perfume, lipstick marks, moaning, moaning, and photos, can all these signs be fake?
Ye Mohan: "The last time I went to the United States was indeed not to deal with the company's affairs, but to deal with the Jiang family's arms smuggling!"

When Ye Mohan came back, the Jiang family went bankrupt overnight. He did this?
Ye Qingxue was so shocked that she couldn't speak, she could only stare at Ye Mohan with wide eyes.

But this has nothing to do with what she saw and heard!
Ye Qingxue raised her eyebrows and asked, "Did the smell of perfume the night you returned to Muyun really come from the bottom of the company?"

Ye Mohan looked at Ye Qingxue for a moment, then parted his thin lips lightly: "No!"

"I knew it!" Ye Qingxue propped her hands on the bed and immediately broke free of Ye Mohan's hand, and sat facing Ye Mohan, furious and full of anger.

The corners of Ye Mohan's mouth rose, and he pulled Ye Qingxue to his side again, and let him sit on his lap, "I was afraid you would think too much, so I didn't tell you the truth."

But now it seems that I have misunderstood.

Ye Qingxue put her hands on Ye Mohan's shoulders inadvertently, without even knowing it, she continued to ask: "How do you explain the lipstick marks on your collar?"

Ye Mohan asked blankly, "Lipstick marks?"

Ye Qingxue said angrily: "Not only that, I saw the lipstick mark and called you to listen to your explanation. Do you know what I heard on the phone?"

Ye Mohan was still at a loss, "What?"

"I heard the woman's groaning and moaning, and calling you cold... I'm going, I'm getting goosebumps, thinking about it now makes me sick." Ye Qingxue said with a disgusted expression.

Ye Mohan raised his eyebrows: "Is there such a thing?"

"Don't pretend, the phone is yours, and if you hear this sound on your phone, you must know what you were doing at that time?"

"This is your guess!"

Seeing that Ye Mohan was still arguing, Ye Qingxue gritted her teeth angrily, "That woman even sent me photos of you in bed!"

Then he tilted his head and said in confusion: "I just thought about it, we were brother and sister at that time, why did she send it to me?
Not only that, but I also changed my phone number and kept sending... By the way, you also received those two photos, right? "

"You sent those two photos?"

Ye Qingxue raised her voice a few decibels, nodded her head, and said confidently: "Yes, I sent it. I want to know what your expression will be when you see these two photos!"

Ye Mohan curled his lips and asked, "What expression do I have?"

"There is no expression, it's as if nothing happened!"

"It never happened, what expression can I have?"

Ye Qingxue was so angry that she unconsciously grabbed the nightgown on Ye Mohan's shoulders and pulled it into a ball, "All kinds of evidence are in front of you, and you are still quibbling!"

"Don't you see that the photo is spelled?"

"Fight?" Ye Qingxue first asked in surprise, her eyes turned into half-believing eyes.

"The first one is true, but didn't you notice that the woman didn't put her hands on me at all?"

Ye Qingxue: "..."

There's none?She really didn't pay attention!
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(End of this chapter)

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