You are more beautiful than the stars

Chapter 395 You don't move, it's not so hard

Chapter 395 You don't move, it's not so hard

Ye Qingxue slapped Ye Mohan's hand away and continued to escape.

This time, Ye Mohan tightly clasped Ye Qingxue's waist and said in a low and hoarse voice: "Don't move! Sitting in your arms will cause chaos!"

Ye Qingxue really didn't dare to move this time.


Ye Qingxue panicked and spoke incoherently, but she didn't dare to move her body, "Don't hug me... quickly let it... let it..."

Ye Mohan smiled evilly: "I can't do anything about it."

Ye Qingxue's cheeks flushed when she heard Ye Mohan's obscene words, her little face was full of panic, "Let go first... let me go..."

Ye Mohan ignored Ye Qingxue's words, picked up the topic just now and asked: "Isn't the lipstick printed on the back enough to show that it's that woman's scheming?"

"Maybe she hugged you from behind, or jumped on you?" Ye Qingxue replied quickly, and then moved her body back carefully.

Ye Mohan: "..."

Ye Mohan turned over with Ye Qingxue in his arms, pressed Ye Qingxue under him, and said in a deep and hoarse voice, "I really don't know how that woman got the lipstick mark on it, but I swear I never touched that woman .”

The hot breath sprayed on Ye Qingxue's neck, and there was a crisp and itchy feeling on her body.

It was a strange feeling, something she had never felt before.

Ye Qingxue couldn't help but think of the night Ye Mohan forced her.

Ye Qingxue's clear eyes were half blurred, immediately revealing fear and nausea.

Ye Qingxue pursed her lips and turned her head awkwardly, "Sit up... let's talk..."

A strange light flashed across Ye Mohan's eyes, and then he got up from Ye Qingxue and sat up.

Ye Qingxue adjusted her mentality, sorted out the drowsiness disturbed by Ye Mohan, and sat up.

Ye Mohan chuckled, "You are the mother of two children, why are you so shy?"

Ye Qingxue blushed and stared at Ye Mohan.

Ye Mohan asked: "So you guessed that there was a woman outside me because you saw these things, so you gave me away?"

"Hmm..." Ye Qingxue's voice was like a mosquito.

"Ye Qingxue, I'm so unworthy of your trust?" Ye Mohan growled through gritted teeth.

Now he can't wait to strangle the heartless little girl in front of him.

Her distrust made him suffer so much pain during this period, but fortunately, he was pregnant with two children at the critical moment.

If she had told him the truth earlier, they would have already obtained their marriage certificates earlier.

"Children..." Ye Qingxue glanced at the two children on the crib, and reminded her flatteringly.

Ye Mohan glanced at the two children, suddenly felt a little in the way, and said abruptly: "Send the children to the nursery tomorrow and let the servants watch over them."

Ye Qingxue refused straight away, "No!"

Ye Mohan said with an undeniable force, "Then let them stay here for one more month, at most one month!"

Ye Qingxue didn't argue with him on this matter, and when he wanted to send him away, she would find a way to keep the child.

Ye Mohan pressed Ye Qingxue tightly, narrowed his eyes slightly, and slowly opened his thin lips, "Whether you believe it or not, I told you that I have never touched any other woman!
And you broke up and let us be separated for so long, what is the matter? "

Ye Qingxue leaned back, her eyes dodged, "I...I don't believe that of course we have to break up!"

Instead, he thought about it for a while with an expression of sudden realization, "Hey... wait... It's possible that you made up these words!"

(End of this chapter)

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