You are more beautiful than the stars

Chapter 454 I'm Waiting For You

Chapter 454 I'm Waiting For You
"That can't be done. I'm going to eat soon. What if I'm hungry? You're an adult, so you won't be patient." Gu Lanbing reprimanded displeased.

"How old is he, and still need you to coax him all day long? Don't get used to running away from home again!" Ye Mohan himself was very irritable, but now that he was reprimanded by Gu Lanbing, his temper also turned up.

Gu Lanbing's expression changed, "What are you talking about? I haven't said anything about you yet? You accused me first!

If you hadn't chosen Miyamoto Yao, would Xiao Xian'er have fallen off the cliff?Will Cher leave for three years because of heartbreak? "

Ye Mohan: "If I choose Xiao Xian'er, they will definitely let Xiao Xian'er go?"



Xiao Nuoyu heard the quarrel, unlocked the door secretly, stood upstairs and watched.

Looking at it this way, it's amazing.

Grandma actually cried.

Oh my god, grandma and dad had an unprecedented quarrel on a huge scale.

And... Xiaoxian'er?who is she?

Hmph, he won't forgive Lao Mo easily if he made grandma cry.


Twilight falls, the moonlight is ethereal.

While Ye Qingxue was sleeping, a phone call intervened.

Ye Qingxue didn't care at first, but when she saw the name of the caller ID.

Ye Qingxue's hand shook, and the phone almost fell to the ground, but fortunately she caught it quickly with quick eyesight.

Ye Qingxue was afraid of being squeezed by this man, so she said cautiously: "President, why did you call all of a sudden?"

Leng Yeyan: "Yueyaquan Ninth Road, Restaurant 66, I'm waiting for you!"

Ye Qingxue was surprised: "President, have you come to City A?"

Leng Yeyan: "Yes."

Even if Leng Yeyan came to City A, she didn't want to go out in the middle of the night.

Ye Qingxue looked up at her watch, and said politely: "But it's already nine o'clock."

Leng Yeyan said coldly, "I'm waiting for you."

Before Ye Qingxue could speak again, the phone was hung up.

Ye Qingxue: "..."

Ye Qingxue dropped the phone, turned around and went to change clothes.

I just took off my pajamas, frowned and thought about it, no!
She doesn't work at Leng Ye Group anymore, why should she listen to him.

Do you really think of yourself as the emperor?
Ye Mohan is not as pushy as he is!
Ye Qingxue slapped her forehead regretfully.

Why did she mention that man again?
In short, he is not her president anymore, why should she listen to him!

don't go!If you can't go, don't go!
Ye Qingxue turned to put on her pajamas again, and lay down on the bed to sleep.

Just as she was about to wake up in a daze, the ringtone of the mobile phone was like killing a pig to Ye Qingxue, waking her up.

Ye Qingxue had a serious feeling of getting up, she didn't even look at her phone, and said in a bad mood after the phone call: "Hello?"

Leng Yeyan's face darkened, and he said in a deep voice, "Why haven't you come here yet?"

Ye Qingxue's tone was a bit sleepy, "Are you? Why should I go there!"

Leng Yeyan was choked for a long time before slowly opening his mouth: "Have you forgotten who I am?"

Ye Qingxue took the phone from her ear when she heard about it, and when she saw the words "Leng Yeyan" in the note on the phone, Ye Qingxue awoke from a bit of drowsiness.

Ye Qingxue's heart sank, and she said in a flat tone: "Leng Yeyan, we are not superior or subordinate, right? So I don't need to listen to you, I will go if you let me go, and it's midnight, I still have to sleep Woolen cloth!"

It wasn't enough for Ye Mohan to treat her like this since she was a child, and now she has another one.

It's been a long time since Ye Mohan ordered her around so naturally, she really thought Ye Qingxue was soft-tempered and easy to bully!
(End of this chapter)

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