You are more beautiful than the stars

Chapter 522 Throwing All These Clothes Away

Chapter 522 Throwing All These Clothes Away
Ye Mohan: "There are more."

"You also said that the [-] includes the cost of your own daily necessities and clothes.

If the flowers are gone, even if I am hungry, they will not send them to me again. "Ye Qingxue became more and more wronged as she talked.

The aggrieved expression on his face was almost like being abused.

Ye Mohan pinched the center of his brows speechlessly, and said in a deep voice, "Do you only think about money?"

Ye Qingxue coughed a little guilty, and answered very decisively, "Money is something outside of the body, don't want to!"

Ye Mohan: "What else did I say?"

Ye Qingxue grabbed her hair and thought about it, "Let me think about it! You also said... You also said that these two cards are second only to the diamond black card."

"Well, there are one billion in each of these two cards."

"One billion?" Ye Qingxue repeated the two words in shock, feeling that there were mountains of red banknotes in front of her.

But when he thought about the balance of the card, he suddenly stopped, and angrily scolded: "Liar! My account balance has never shown ten digits!"

"Although these two cards are not like the diamond black card with unlimited overdraft, you can set a hidden balance and increase the balance with [-]% interest." Ye Mohan said lightly.

"What you said is true? Are there really one billion in each of these two cards?"

"Now there should be 20 billion each."

Ye Qingxue suddenly felt that her wallet was a lot heavier and bulging a lot.

"Why did you give me two such precious cards?" Ye Qingxue asked with a smile.

Ye Mohan: "Fat and water don't flow into outsiders' fields."

Ye Qingxue: "..."

This reason is really...


Because the back was full of clothes, Ye Qingxue hugged Xiao Nuoyu to her lap.

When the little guy saw the bag at the back, he asked angrily, "Mom, there are so many clothes, do you have any for the baby?"

Ye Qingxue smiled and said, "Yes, of course there is a baby."

The little guy asked again: "Is there any father?"

Ye Qingxue glanced at Ye Mohan in embarrassment, "Uh...your father has no shortage of clothes."

Ye Mohan's clothes are all custom-made by others, and he may not be able to like the clothes she bought.

As soon as Ye Qingxue's words came out, Ye Mohan's icy face turned cold twice more.

Looking at Ye Mohan's face, the little guy knew that his father's heart was like a tumbling wine.

He didn't even dare to speak along the way.


Ye family.

Ye Qingxue led the little guy out of the car first.

Seeing Aunt Yun through the garden, Ye Qingxue smiled and said, "Aunt Yun, please help me take the clothes in the car to Xiao Nuoyu's room."

"Yes, Miss." Aunt Yun smiled lovingly.

Aunt Yun entered the garage and poked her probe into the car.

This probe almost scared my soul out.

Unexpectedly, Ye Mohan was still sitting in the car, and his face was as black as the bottom of a pot, which is very bad!
"Young...young master?" Aunt Yun calmed down and spoke cautiously.

Ye Mohan got out of the car with a gloomy and terrifying expression.

Passing over to Aunt Yun, she said in a deep voice, "Throw away all these clothes."

"Throw it away?" Aunt Yun asked uncertainly as she stayed where she was in surprise.

These are all brand new clothes, even the brand has not been removed.

Did you buy these clothes just to throw them away?
Ye Mohan cast a sidelong glance at Aunt Yun, did not answer, and took long steps away with a cool and dignified air.

Knowing that Ye Mohan was determined to throw away his clothes, Aunt Yun sighed.

While taking out the clothes, he murmured to himself, "I don't know what will happen if the clothes you buy are thrown away."

Ye Mohan paused, then turned to Aunt Yun and said, "Take all these clothes to my room."

 The remaining eight chapters will be released after 12:00!

(End of this chapter)

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