You are more beautiful than the stars

Chapter 524 I want you, but I don't!

Chapter 524 I want you, but I don't!
Seeing Ye Mohan staring at her deeply, Ye Qingxue understood something.

"Don't look at me, I will never marry you in this life, you should give up your heart!
You are almost thirty, so much older than me, I didn't know why I liked you at the beginning, probably at that time my eyes were so short-sighted that I couldn't see clearly.

Now my eyes can see clearly, I have confirmed that I don't like you, don't think that I will continue to love you foolishly.

As early as three years ago, I didn't love you anymore, and now I have no feeling for you like cold water. "

After saying it, Ye Qingcheng exhaled, and finally let out the aggrieved anger in his heart.

As expected, Ye Mohan's face darkened little by little, his thin lips were tightly pressed together, and his face was tense.

After a while, Ye Mohan's thin lips parted slightly, and he paused every word: "You can only be my woman in this life!"

This life can only be his woman?
I really think of myself as an ancient emperor, and I say what I say.

Ye Qingxue sneered secretly.

"Ye Mohan, who gave you confidence? Why do you want me to..."

Ye Mohan slightly raised his eyelids, interrupting Ye Qingxue's unfinished sentence, "I want you, but I don't!"

"Bastard!" Ye Qingxue gritted her teeth angrily.

"When I was chasing you blindly, you didn't even want to say a word to me."

"Why were you unwilling when I was chasing you, but now that you want me to be with you, I must be willing?"

"Men are indeed vile species!"

"Ye Mohan, I don't like you, I don't love you, I don't like you, I don't like you, I don't like you, I don't love you, do you hear me clearly?"

Ye Qingxue finished speaking without a pause, panting heavily.

Ye Mohan: "It's okay, as long as I love you."

This is probably what it feels like when you hit it on cotton, it doesn't hurt or itch.

She'd rather hit the wall.

"To tell you the truth, I'm going on a blind date tomorrow!"

Originally, she didn't want to go on a blind date so early, she wanted to find out if the little girl she met today was Xiao Xian'er before making a conclusion.

But this man was too domineering and unreasonable, and she couldn't bear it.

Ye Mohan's face was covered with dark clouds, as if a storm was approaching.

Throwing the book on the table with a "snap", stood up and stared at Ye Qingxue condescendingly, "How dare you!"

Ye Qingxue raised her stubborn face, and retorted fearlessly, "Why don't I dare? Boys should be married and girls should be married. Why don't I pursue my own happiness?"

"Only I can give you sex."

"What happiness can there be with you? You are so old, so I don't want to be with you. Why should I find someone who is younger and more handsome than you.

Also, you are so old, don't be picky, just find a girlfriend and get married. "

"Old?" Ye Mohan sullenly grabbed Ye Qingxue's wrist and narrowed his eyes dangerously, "Do you want to try?"

"You bastard, stallion, don't touch me!" Ye Qingxue broke free from Ye Mohan's restraint.

Anything can get him involved in that matter!

Ye Mohan frowned, and said sharply, "Try to scold me again?"

It's fine to call him an asshole, but he dared to call him the last word.

He won't take the blame for this!

Scold again?

She, Ye Qingxue, is not a fool, as for pushing herself into the fire pit?

Ye Qingxue stared at Ye Mohan, not to be outdone, "Don't expect me anymore, I, Ye Qingxue, will do what I say.

If you say that you won't be with you in this life, you won't be with you. Then we are still brothers and sisters, otherwise we don't even have to be brothers and sisters! "

(End of this chapter)

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