You are more beautiful than the stars

Chapter 533 Take Little Strawberry for a Paternity Test

Chapter 533 Take Little Strawberry for a Paternity Test
Du Xiaofei's anxious tone was as if the emperor was not in a hurry and the eunuchs were in a hurry.

When she thought that Tang Muqing was about to divorce her brother, she couldn't feel better.

In her heart, she still wanted Tang Muqing to be her sister-in-law.

"I know, and I will meet her child's father tomorrow!" Du Tingxiao said calmly.

Looking at the shadow in the water in the glass, the emotions in his eyes are unpredictable.

Du Xiaofei asked: "Have you seen Mu Qing's child?"

Du Tingxiao: "Yes."

"Does it look good, and how old is it?" Du Xiaofei suddenly became interested, his eyes lit up, and he forgot what happened just now.

Du Tingxiao: "..."

"He's quite tall, he must be two and a half years old!" Du Tingxiao inadvertently remembered the appearance of seeing Little Strawberry yesterday.

It's just that the child is not his!
Du Tingxiao's glorious life was even given a cuckold!
Du Xiaofei kept asking: "Is that good-looking, cute or not? Does it look like Mu Qing?"

"It's long... just like that!" Du Tingxiao said perfunctorily.

Let him say that the child his wife had with another man is good-looking, but he can't say it.

Du Xiaofei: "..."

Du Xiaofei thought of something, tilted his head and asked: "Hey, by the way, brother, you don't doubt that the child is yours?"

As soon as this was mentioned, Du Tingxiao became very annoyed and put down his teacup.

I want to feel for cigarettes to numb myself.

Thinking that Du Xiaofei is pregnant now, she gave up the idea of ​​smoking.

Leaning on the collar angrily, "I asked, but she said no!"

"If she says no, she must not be? You forced her to take contraceptive pills, how dare she tell you the truth!" Du Xiaofei stuck out her tongue and couldn't help complaining.

Du Tingxiao: "..."

"You said that Mu Qing's child is more than two years old, and she has been away for more than three years. Could it be that Mu Qing had a child with another man as soon as she left?

Mu Qing is not that kind of person, why did you have a child as soon as you left, so I guess Mu Qing's child may be yours! "Du Xiaofei said firmly.

Du Tingxiao suddenly remembered what Ye Mohan said to him.

I advise you to go to the hospital to see the ophthalmologist...

He originally thought it was Ye Mohan's joke, but it seemed that there was another meaning in it.

Du Tingxiao looked at Du Xiaofei, "What if the child is not?"

"Will you know tomorrow." Du Xiaofei said.

Du Tingxiao stared at Du Xiaofei with unpredictable eyes.

Du Xiaofei: "Tomorrow if Mu Qing takes the child there, you can try to find out from the child whether that man is Little Strawberry's father, and the child doesn't know how to act.

Even if Mu Qing taught Little Strawberry, the child only said a few words, I believe it must have come from the child's mouth. "

Du Tingxiao: "What if she doesn't bring the child?"

"It's better not to bring children, don't forget, you have my sister to help you, we should work together inside and out." Du Xiaofei patted his chest with confidence. "

Tomorrow, I tricked Aunt Tang into a little strawberry to find you.

Little Strawberry doesn't know anything, if that man is Little Strawberry's father, Little Strawberry will definitely shout.

Little Strawberry doesn't shout, it means the child is yours!It's not yours, and Tang Muqing won't go to great lengths to find someone to act in.

Oh, by the way, by the way, take Little Strawberry for a paternity test. "Du Xiaofei told her methods one by one.

Du Tingxiao looked at Du Xiaofei and couldn't help admiring his sister.

It seems that he is usually more stupid than anyone else, but at the critical moment, he is smarter than anyone else.

(End of this chapter)

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