You are more beautiful than the stars

Chapter 539 Auntie, I kneel down for you

Chapter 539 Auntie, I kneel down for you
Du Xuan was leaning on the desk, holding a teacup in his hand, drinking tea from time to time, with no abnormal expression on his face.

Drink a full glass of water and say to everyone: "Okay, let's go to work."

Then go to your desk to arrange work.

"Xiao Xue, this document also needs to be printed out, and we will have a small meeting with you in a while.

It is very important that everyone present at the meeting should have a copy. Do you know how many copies to print? "

Xiao Xue: "Sister Du, I know."

Du Xuan: "Well, I will use the printer here later, so go to Secretary Ye to print it!"

Xiaoxue: "OK."

Not long after, Du Xuan came out of his office again.

Came to Zhao Siqing's desk and handed her a plan.

"Siqing, go and take this plan to Secretary Ye and ask her to sort it out and print it out. It will be used by the president in a meeting later."

Zhao Siqing: "Okay, I'll go now."


Xiaoxue is very straightforward, a kind of self-acquaintance, talking non-stop beside Ye Qingxue.

Zhao Siqing came to Ye Qingxue's desk, handed it to Ye Qingxue the plan, and said, "Secretary Ye, you need to sort out this plan and print it out. The president will use it for a meeting later."

Ye Qingxue: "Well, good."

Ye Qingxue sorted out the plan on the computer, and asked Xiao Xue, "Xiao Xue, have you finished printing it?"

"Not yet, there are a lot of printed pages, why don't you use them first?"

"It's okay, your copy is very important, you print it first."

Xiao Xue frowned and praised from the heart: "Secretary Ye, you are such a nice person!"

"You are fine too." Ye Qingxue smiled.

Seeing that Xiaoxue is an intern who has just graduated from university, she is very innocent, and has not yet formally contacted the cruelty of society, so maybe she will inevitably suffer in the future.

But this kind of thing must also be experienced by herself.

Reminders from others are never as good as one's own loss to understand the unpredictable.

Xiao Xue: "Oh, Secretary Ye, there is no more A4 paper."

Ye Qingxue looked through the drawer and saw that there was no A4 paper in the cabinet, so she said, "I don't have any here either."

"Then I'll go downstairs and get it."



Meanwhile, the conference room.

Ye Mohan didn't bring the plan that he wanted for a long time, his face was gloomy, and he sat on the main seat without saying a word.

The surrounding air seemed to freeze, suppressing everyone from breathing.

Han Yu knew it was not a problem to wait like this, otherwise the president would explode sooner or later.

Sneaked out to the design department.

"Who is in charge of this plan?" Han Yu said in a deep voice.

A small employee said: "It's Du Xuan, the design director, but Sister Du has already asked someone to give the plan to Secretary Ye, and now the plan is in the hands of Secretary Ye."

Another employee asked Zhao Siqing: "Zhao Siqing gave it to you. Did you give it to Secretary Ye?"

Zhao Siqing: "I delivered it, and I will be back after delivering it."

Han Yu immediately ran to Ye Qingxue's place, and saw Ye Qingxue still typing in front of the computer.

"Secretary Ye, has the plan been printed?" Han Yu was panting.

Ye Qingxue raised her head and asked, "Not yet, what's the matter?"

Han Yu looked at the sky speechlessly, "What's the matter? Auntie, I can kneel down for you now.

The president is angry because your plan has not been delivered yet, so hurry up and print it out and send it to the meeting room. "

Realizing the seriousness of the matter, Ye Qingxue immediately picked up the prepared document and said, "I'll print it right now."

"Did no one tell you that this plan is very important?" Han Yu was burning with anxiety.

Ye Qingxue: "No."

(End of this chapter)

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