You are more beautiful than the stars

Chapter 543 She's My Wife

Chapter 543 She's My Wife
A man in a burgundy suit steps out of a limited-edition Ferrari.

Handsome and aggressive, heroic.

The very conspicuous move made people passing by couldn't help but look sideways.

Ye Mohan recognized this man, his name was Chu Xuan, the commander of the Military Aircraft Department.

Ye Mohan guessed that this man should be the blind date with the little girl.

Ye Mohan honked the horn, and the man turned around to see Ye Mohan sitting in the car.

He suddenly changed direction and walked towards Ye Mohan.

He opened the co-pilot's door and got into Ye Mohan's car.

"Your Excellency, long time no see." The man greeted quietly.

Seeing Ye Mohan holding a baby in his arms, he rubbed the little guy's head, "The little guy has grown so big."

The little guy didn't like people rubbing his head, so he frowned, but still called out politely, "Uncle."

"Good boy, you're so polite, uncle hug, your uncle didn't come to the full moon banquet in time, and uncle will buy you a gift to make up for it later." Chu Xuan hugged the little guy and couldn't put it down.


"Chu Xuan, why are you here?" Ye Mohan asked calmly.

"Come here for a blind date."

Ye Mohan gritted his teeth, it really is!
Ye Mohan cast a sideways glance at Chu Xuan, "What kind of woman do you want, why did you come here for a blind date?"

"It's not that the girl Xiao Fei insisted on asking me to come, saying that the woman she introduced to me is not an ordinary woman, but also a beautiful woman.

As the saying goes, gentlemen love beauties, and I am no exception, so I came here to see what kind of beauties they are. "Chu Xuan replied.

Ye Mo laughed coldly, this incident was actually planned by Du Xiaofei.

She even pretended to send him short messages.

It seems that Du Tingxiao has to discipline his younger sister well.

"There is indeed a beauty inside." Ye Mohan said lightly.

"Really, have you seen it?" Chu Xuan's eyes lighted up.

To be rated as a beauty by Ye Mohan, the blind date Du Xiaofei arranged for him is definitely a beauty.

It seems that Du Xiaofei is quite reliable.

Ye Mohan cast a sideways glance at Chu Xuan, and said very dishonestly: "But she is my wife."

Chu Xuan: "..."

Ye Mohan's words were like pouring a bucket of cold water on Chu Xuan's head.

"Since it's your wife, why did you come out on a blind date? Did you fall in love with someone who deliberately lied to me?" Chu Xuan didn't believe it.

The little guy raised his face and said, "No, the one sitting inside is my mother."

"..." Chu Xuan looked at Ye Mohan suspiciously.

Ye Mohan leaned on the back of the car seat, and said lazily: "I made my wife angry, so my wife insisted on going out on a blind date."

Chu Xuan was stunned for a while, and then smiled unkindly, "Puff haha... Then I want to see what kind of woman dares to give you Ye Mohan face."

Ye Mohan: "Sometimes I will let you see it, and you have seen it, but not now."

"I've seen it?" Chu Xuan became more and more curious, "What kind of woman is it, and I won't let you see her now."

Ye Mohan: "You go back first, just do me a favor."

Chu Xuan was naturally happy to let Ye Mohan ask him for help, and raised his eyebrows, "Since President Ye has personally spoken, why not help!?"

Ye Mohan said again: "If Du Xiaofei asks you why you didn't go there, you have to pretend you don't know. I want to see what medicine she sells in her gourd."

Chu Xuan: "Okay, I'll go back first, I wish you a beautiful home as soon as possible."

Ye Mohan raised his eyebrows, his thin lips parted slightly: "Yes."


(End of this chapter)

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