You are more beautiful than the stars

Chapter 554 Don't hesitate to marry me to take revenge on me

Chapter 554 Don't hesitate to marry me to take revenge on me

The little guy held back tears, and said pitifully, "Since I was young, the baby has always wanted to come back early. Parents, mother and baby sleep together on a big bed. This is also the wish in the baby's heart."

Ye Qingxue was said to be in pain.

She didn't know that Xiao Nuoyu would survive at that time, she was afraid that she would be the same as Xiao Xian'er.

At that time, if she had been stronger and waited for news from Xiao Nuoyu, she would not have left.

She has not fulfilled her responsibilities as a mother.

In the future, she will use the rest of her life to be a qualified mother.

Facing the little guy's request, she couldn't refuse at all, "Okay, mom agrees."

"Trojan horse." The little guy happily stopped Ye Qingxue's neck.

Ye Qingxue: "..."

The little guy and the one who was about to cry just now are totally different.

She has a sense of being cheated.

In the end, Ye Qingxue and the little guy went to sleep in Ye Mohan's room.

Because the little guy's bed can't support three people.

The little guy naturally slept soundly in the middle.

The little guy closed his eyes contentedly.

The wish he had been looking forward to all this time finally came true.

Ye Mohan looked at the sleeping faces of one big and one small, and the corners of his mouth curved slightly.



The next day, the Tang Corporation.

Tang Muqing was dressed in white-collar formal attire, but it was a little casual.

White Korean-style loose shirt, black one-step leather skirt, full of capable and full of femininity.

Ever since meeting Du Tingxiao that day, Du Tingxiao brought Little Strawberry back to Du's house.

Naturally, Tang Muqing would not go back to Du's house with him.

So the two men threatened each other with the soft help of the other.

She thought that Little Strawberry would cry if he couldn't see her, and then she would send Little Strawberry back.

But it's been almost a week, and she can't even see the little strawberry.

Tang's mother often went to Du's house to see Little Strawberry, but she always returned in vain, so Tang Muqing had to go there in person.

Tang's mother often whispered in her ear to bring back the little strawberry.

Every day she was very anxious, but she resisted herself not to go to Du's house.

She really couldn't wait any longer, and if she waited any longer, it might not be that Du Tingxiao would send the little strawberry.

Tang Muqing was so restless that she didn't even have the mood to work, so she put down her work and printed out a divorce agreement to go to Du's house.

Just in time, Mother Tang came over.

As soon as Tang's mother entered the door, she said in a reproachful tone: "Mu Qing, why don't you pick up Little Strawberry? Are you really assured that Little Strawberry is at Du's house?"

Tang Muqing replied: "I was just about to go, and you just came over."

When Mother Tang heard this, she immediately nodded happily, "Okay, then go quickly."

Tang Muqing looked hesitant and pursed her lips.

Tang's mother urged: "What are you still doing in a daze, hurry up!"

Tang Muqing looked at Mother Tang and said, "Mom, I'll go back later, I have something to ask you, and this matter is also related to Du Tingxiao and me."

"What's the matter?" Tang Muhu asked.

"You know why Du Tingxiao hates me to the bone, and he doesn't hesitate to marry me to take revenge on me!" Tang Muqing's mouth twitched bitterly.

Mother Tang turned pale in shock, "What did you say? He... he wants to take revenge on you?"

They have always been engaged.

After Tang Muqing left for three years and came back, she realized that the two of them didn't love each other.

Since they don't love each other, she can't wrong her daughter, just divorce.

But he didn't expect Mu Qing to say that Du Tingxiao wanted to take revenge on her.

Tang Muqing pursed her lips, and said softly, "He always thought that Auntie Du's death was related to you."

"Your Auntie Du committed suicide by jumping off a building, and has nothing to do with anyone." Mother Tang's expression changed, not very happy.

 Baby remember to vote, love you ^3^

(End of this chapter)

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