You are more beautiful than the stars

Chapter 559 I think... I'm in love with you

Chapter 559 I think... I'm in love with you

And upstairs in the study.

The grandparent and grandson stayed in front of the computer screen, silently watching the two people downstairs.

Du Xiaofei tilted her head and said to Grandpa Du: "Grandpa, it seems that the situation is not right?"

"This stinky brat actually made Mu Qing take contraceptive pills!" Grandpa Du slapped the table angrily.

Then, looking at the computer screen, he said to Du Xiaofei: "Wait a minute, I really can't let Little Strawberry go, you tell Little Strawberry to say those things now!"

Du Xiaofei held the little strawberry and said, "Little strawberry, come here with my aunt."

Little Strawberry Pidianpidian followed Du Xiaofei and sat on the sofa next to him.

Du Xiaofei said softly: "Auntie, you can say something, go down and tell your mother later, do you understand?"

Little Strawberry said sweetly, "I know."



Du Tingxiao pursed his thin lips slightly, and what Grandpa Du said just now rang in his mind.

You should learn to bow your head and keep your head down, don't be too late to regret...

Looking at Tang Muqing with deep eyes: "Yes, it was my fault that I let you take contraceptive pills before. I didn't understand the truth of the matter and let you bear the pain I caused. I apologize to you."

"Three years ago, you wanted to divorce me. I was angry and angry. You left the divorce agreement without saying goodbye, which aroused my fury."

"Now the truth is revealed, but I don't want to divorce you even more. I think... I'm in love with you."

Tang Muqing: "..."

Tang Muqing's brain was dizzy, and it felt like the whole world had collapsed.

Is there something wrong with her ears, or... Du Tingxiao's brain is wrong.

"It's impossible for you not to care about everything that happened before. I will use the rest of my life to make up for you in the future."

Speaking of which, Du Tingxiao paused, "Are you...would you like to give me a chance?"

"Are you saying these inconsequential things to me because I won't give you little strawberries?"

Tang Muqing thought about it and it was the only one that made Du Tingxiao say these words that didn't fit her heart.

With a dark face, Du Tingxiao said, "If I want to earn the custody of Little Strawberry, do you think you can earn more than me?"

Seeing Du Tingxiao's confident expression, Tang Muqing secretly gritted her teeth.

Soldiers have priority over everything.

Divorce too, children too...

She just wanted to say why!
"So what I said just now was sincere." Du Tingxiao looked deeply at Tang Muqing.

Tang Muqing tilted her head slightly, avoiding Du Tingxiao's scorching eyes, and the corners of her mouth slightly parted: "But so many things happened between us... we can't go back."

Du Tingxiao picked up Tang Muqing's hand and put it on his chest, "Do you still love me?"

Tang Muqing withdrew her hand, not daring to look into Du Tingxiao's eyes, and said flatly: "The night after I married you, I stopped loving you."

The feeling of heaven falling into hell, she doesn't want to try again.

Du Tingxiao choked for breath, and slowly put down his hands.

He knew that it was he who killed the relationship between them.

"What about Little Strawberry? As I said, I will never allow Little Strawberry to call anyone else's father." Du Tingxiao said forcefully.

"You didn't want a child before, so you just pretend don't have a daughter like Little Strawberry."

Tang Muqing lowered her head, her voice was pitifully low, but Du Tingxiao still heard it.

Why do you pretend that there is no little strawberry?

Du Tingxiao gritted his teeth, forcibly suppressed his dissatisfaction with what Tang Muqing said, and turned on the shameless mode.

"That was before, now I not only want Little Strawberry, but also a child between you and me."

(End of this chapter)

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