You are more beautiful than the stars

Chapter 580 I won't have any more children!

Chapter 580 I won't have any more children!
The relationship between the two of them, when he went to Ye Qingxue's apartment in City A and saw the man for the first time, he had already been investigated clearly.

The two were not related by blood, but the people he sent couldn't find out who was the real son of the Ye family.

But it doesn't matter to him who is the blood of the Ye family.

All he wants now is only one.

It was the woman who fell in love at first sight three years ago!
Ye Qingxue grasped the dress tightly with her fingers, her knuckles were clearly turning white, she lowered her eyes and said, "But I still can't be with you, we are not suitable!"

Leng Yeyan thought that she hadn't gotten used to him yet, and didn't care about Ye Qingxue's refusal, "Whether it's suitable or not, we'll have to get along for a while to know."

Ye Qingxue raised her eyes to meet Leng Yeyan's dark eyes, and said, "But I won't have any more children!"

Even if he doesn't mind that she gave birth to a child, can he not mind that she doesn't have a child in the future?

Uncle Leng has only one son when he is old, and what he looks forward to most is to have a grandson.

Even if Leng Yeyan didn't care whether she had children or not, she still couldn't bear it.

For a moment, the breath in the room became solidified, making it hard to breathe.

Leng Yeyan's complexion was not as good as it was at first, it became a little cold.

After a while, the voice was cold and cold: "You won't have another child, is it because you still can't let him go?"

Ye Qingxue shook her head and said, "I'm for Xiao Nuoyu."

Leng Yeyan: "That little guy?"

"My baby doesn't want me to have a baby, and I don't want to..." Ye Qingxue also doesn't want to have a baby in her heart.

As if thinking of something, tears slowly welled up in his eyes.

After a hard struggle in my heart, I couldn't escape the cage of that incident.

One child is enough to have the little guy in his life.

"..." Leng Yeyan fell silent.

The two hands placed under the dining table kept grasping and then releasing, loosening and grasping again.

The good-looking brows are tightly frowned, and there is obvious pain and struggle between the brows.


at the same time.

Du Xiaofei called Ye Mohan in the corner, but after calling several times, the phone still couldn't get through.

Du Xiaofei showed anxiety and collapse on his face.

Xiaoxue chatted so happily with that man, maybe the two of them...

How dare you not answer the phone at such a critical moment!
Beware of your wife being swept away by other men!
Hit Ye Mohan again... Du Xiaofei really wanted to beat Ye Mohan to death.

Fuck!The phone was turned off! ! !

So Du Xiaofei turned around and started calling the little guy.


Ye house.

The little guy stayed in his room and played with his iPad.

Mom was drunk last night, and he didn't blame her.

But his dad wasn't drunk!
As long as Dad doesn't apologize to him, he won't forgive Dad.

His cell phone rang, and the little guy thought it was Ye Qingxue calling, so he happily ran over to answer it.

Seeing the nickname on the caller ID, the little guy looked slightly disappointed.

Holding the mobile phone bigger than her small face, she put it next to her ear.

The little guy sweetly called out: "Auntie."

Du Xiaofei asked, "Xiao Nuobao, where is your father?"

It turned out to be looking for Lao Mo!
The little guy was not very happy, and reluctantly answered: "Dad is downstairs."

Du Xiaofei became angry.

Still not answering the phone at home...the phone is still turned off!

Does the wife really not want it anymore! ! !
Suppressing his anger, he said softly to the little guy, "Xiao Nuobao, let him answer the phone."

"No." The little guy refused.

 Mo Shao has five seconds to arrive on the battlefield ←_←

(End of this chapter)

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