You are more beautiful than the stars

Chapter 634 How many times do you plan to regenerate with President Mo?

Chapter 634 How many times do you plan to regenerate with President Mo?
The reporter asked Ye Qingxue: "Mrs. Ye, may I ask how many times you confessed your love to President Mo before you managed to catch him?"

"Many times." Ye Qingxue had a good-looking smile on her face, and she laughed in her heart.

catch up?
She confessed her love many times but failed to catch Ye Mohan!
"Mrs. Ye, you and President Mo now have a young master. Will you have another child in the future? If so, how many children do you plan to have with President Mo?" the reporter asked with great interest.

The corner of Ye Qingxue's mouth twitched.

This question was really guessed by Ye Mohan.

"Uh... If you have a baby in the future, let's have another one..." As soon as the words fell, Ye Qingxue felt a slight pain in her waist, and Ye Qingxue immediately said: "But we all like children. If we have children, we are very happy. It doesn't matter if you want two."

Damn Ye Mohan, does she have to say that!

"Then I wish Mr. Mo and Mrs. Ye a happy marriage for a hundred years and have a son soon." The reporter laughed.

"Thank you." Ye Qingxue laughed heartily.

"President Mo, you seemed to have announced that you were going to get married three years ago. The mysterious woman must be Mrs. Ye. Then why didn't the wedding take place then?" A woman with glasses asked in awe.

Ye Qingxue's expression changed imperceptibly, and the hand held by Ye Mohan tightened.

Ye Mohan pursed his lips, hesitated for a moment, and said: "Some things happened between us at that time, so the wedding was not held. As for what happened, it must be a matter between husband and wife, so it is inconvenient to disclose it to everyone. "

The reporters were very well-behaved and did not continue to ask questions.

"Then President Mo, you and Mrs. Ye haven't held a wedding yet, when will the wedding be held?"

Ye Mohan looked at Ye Qingxue affectionately, and said, "I want to leave this question to my wife."

"..." Ye Qingxue squeezed Ye Mohan's hand.

This man definitely did it on purpose! ! !

The reporter immediately asked Ye Qingxue: "Mrs. Ye, when will your wedding be held?"

Ye Qingxue pursed her lips, "Uh... about three years ago."

"Why so long?"

This question was not within the scope of Ye Mohan's teaching her, Ye Qingxue squeezed Ye Mohan's hand, motioning to answer for herself.

The corners of Ye Mohan's mouth curled up into a vague arc, and he remained silent.

Seeing that Ye Mohan didn't intend to answer for herself, Ye Qingxue had no choice but to answer bravely with a slight smile: "I mean three years is the longest time. If there is no accident, we will hold the wedding within a year." .”

As soon as the voice fell, there was immediate applause from the audience.

Ye Qingxue: "..."

"I don't think Mr. Mo and Mrs. Ye are wearing rings on their hands. They didn't have rings when they received the certificate. Are they going to wear rings on each other when the wedding is held?" the reporter asked.

Ye Mohan didn't answer, but took out a red brocade box from his suit pocket.

Open it, and there are two rings made of platinum.

Four letters are engraved on the ring - MHQX!

Ye Qingxue looked up at Ye Mohan in shock.

When did he wear the ring?

Ye Mohan's thin lips parted slightly: "Take this opportunity, I would like everyone to witness the moment when I put on the ring for my wife.

As for the diamond ring, I want to wait until our wedding to bring it to my wife. "

Ye Mohan took out a ring and slowly put it on Ye Qingxue's ring finger.

Then he took out another ring and gave it to Ye Qingxue. Seeing that Ye Qingxue didn't respond, he directly sent the ring to Ye Qingxue's palm.

The moment Ye Mohan took out the ring, Ye Qingxue's brain was in a state of confusion.

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(End of this chapter)

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