You are more beautiful than the stars

Chapter 658 I don't want to have another child, it hurts!

Chapter 658 I don't want to have another child, it hurts!

Ye Qingxue looked up at Ye Mohan, "I don't want to have another child, it hurts! It's enough for us to have little Nuoyu, not to mention that the little guy doesn't want to have a younger brother or younger sister."

"Well, no birth." Ye Mohan pursed his thin lips slightly, and could only follow Ye Qingxue's wishes first.

Ye Qingxue saw a trace of displeasure and regret on Ye Mohan's face, and said to Ye Mohan, "What's more, the chance of my pregnancy is also reduced."

Ye Mohan thought of a bruise on Ye Qingxue's abdomen, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he couldn't help but get up, a dangerous cold light flashed across the corner of his eyes.

"By the way, let's go and see Xiaozhen! His head hurts badly. You call your aunt and uncle."

Thinking that Gu Zhen's head was injured by herself, Ye Qingxue felt extremely uncomfortable.

"Okay, it's just your stomach..." Ye Mohan worried.

"It's okay, it doesn't hurt as much as before." Ye Qingxue smiled.

Ye Qingxue lifted the quilt and wanted to get out of bed, but Ye Mohan leaned over and hugged her, and said softly, "I'll carry you there."

"..." Ye Qingxue hesitated for a while, then nodded.

Outside the ward, Leng Yeyan was still standing outside.

The two gave each other a cold look, Ye Mohan carried Ye Qingxue and walked straight to Gu Zhen's ward.

"Ye Mohan, wait a minute, let me down first." Ye Qingxue said.

Ye Mohan paused, and slowly put Ye Qingxue down, "Be careful."

Ye Qingxue curled her lips slightly, "It's not that serious, you should go and see Xiaozhen first!"

Ye Mohan: "..."

Ye Mohan was extremely reluctant in his heart, but he was nothing more than resisting the little girl.

Glancing at Leng Yeyan, she said to Ye Qingxueer, "Okay, then I'll go there first."

Ye Qingxue walked up to Leng Yeyan and said sincerely, "Leng Yeyan, thank you for today's matter."

Leng Yeyan said softly, "I just did what I should do."

Ye Qingxue lowered her head, pursed her lips, and raised her eyes, "I will return that money to you."

Leng Yeyan's face became a bit colder, and after a while, he uttered three words coldly, "No need!"


"You rest, I'll go back first." Leng Yeyan said coldly, turned and left.

Ye Qingxue looked at Leng Yeyan's back, complex emotions flashed in her eyes.

It wasn't until Leng Yeyan disappeared in the corridor that Ye Qingxue withdrew her slightly dazed gaze, turned around slowly and went to Gu Zhen's ward.

When Ye Mohan saw Ye Qingxue, complex emotions flashed in his eyes, "Why doesn't your face look so good?"

Ye Qingxue shook her head slightly, her eyes blurred, and said lightly: "It's nothing."

Ye Mohan: "..."

Ye Qingxue was in a daze for a moment, then turned her head and asked Ye Mohan, "Have you called your parents, uncle and aunt?"

Ye Mohan's thin lips parted lightly: "Come over later."

Ye Qingxue: "Yes."


Not long after, Ye Yitian, Gu Lanbing, Gu Lanxin and Gu Anxu rushed over.

When he came over, Gu Zhen was already awake.

Gu Lanxin asked: "How did this happen, how did you get kidnapped?"

Just as Ye Qingxue was about to explain, Ye Mohan spoke first, blaming himself, "Blame me!"

Gu Zhen called weakly, "Brother..."

Staring at Gu Lan's suspicious eyes, Ye Mohan said concisely: "Those people are trying to come after me."

A few people understood in an instant, and mistakenly thought that the kidnapping was caused by commercial intrigue.

Gu Anxu said: "Mo Han, I didn't expect that someone would dare to attack you, but this matter must be handled properly."

Ye Mohan: "Yes, I know."

(End of this chapter)

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