You are more beautiful than the stars

Chapter 690 He's Afraid That The Little Girl Can't Take It

Chapter 690 He's Afraid That The Little Girl Can't Take It

Although the driver couldn't understand what they said, he knew that the young couple had quarreled, sighed, and drove away.

Ye Mohan got out of the car and pulled Ye Qingxue to the direction of the shopping mall, his thin lips were slightly pursed, and his expression was not very good.

Ye Qingxue was very uncomfortable being dragged, she shook off Ye Mohan's hand vigorously, and angrily scolded Ye Mohan, "What are you doing?"

"Didn't you want to buy that dress? I'll buy it for you!" Ye Mohan said calmly, biting the last word hard.

Ye Qingxue stared at Ye Mohan, who had a tense and gloomy face, and sneered contemptuously.

Saying this is really as reluctant as it is!

Agreeing to buy her that dress, as if it was her unreasonable trouble to come.

"Ye Mohan, do you know how turbulent my heart was when I was trying on that dress in the mall just now?"

Ye Mohan: "..."

The breeze was blowing, blowing Ye Qingxue's dress and swaying with the wind.

Ye Qingxue stroked her hair disheveled by the breeze, and spoke to Ye Mohan in a very flat tone, as if nothing happened just now.

Ye Qingxue paused for a while, then continued: "The reason why I was so excited was because I wanted to wear that dress at home and show it to you alone. I thought you liked that dress."

"If you really don't like it, I don't have to buy it. Although I feel a little regretful, compared with you, those are insignificant."

Ye Qingxue raised her eyes to look at Ye Mohan, and there was a sense of deliberate alienation in Ye Mohan's eyes, "I care about your opinion and your attitude, but what about you? What was your attitude towards me just now?"

Ye Mohan parted his thin lips, wanting to apologize to Ye Qingxue, but Ye Qingxue spoke first.

"Ye Mohan, if you're like this, don't you dislike me for taking contraceptive pills and don't want to have children?"

Even though he was asking Ye Mohan, it has become affirmative in Ye Qingxue's heart.

Ye Mohan frowned, "I didn't."

Ye Qingxue: "You have it!"

"..." Ye Mohan didn't want to argue with Ye Qingxue anymore.

He knew that Ye Qingxue was angry and couldn't listen to what she said, so he could only apologize after the little girl's anger subsided.

Ye Mohan's silence made Ye Qingxue more sure of her thoughts, and her voice when speaking to Ye Mohan was a little colder.

"Ye Mohan, let me tell you, I just can't let go of Xiao Xian'er so I don't want to have another child!

I don't want to have a baby with you just because I still blame you and blame you!
I will never have another child in this life, so give up on me! "

All the emotions flooded into tears and swirled in the eyes, more of them were grievances, Ye Qingxue turned around and ran away after speaking.

She didn't want Ye Mohan to see her in a mess.

Ye Mohan chased after him, grabbed Ye Qingxue's arm, forced Ye Qingxue to stop, and said with a guilty face: "I was wrong, I apologize to you."

Ye Qingxue shook off Ye Mohan's hand and walked quickly, unwilling to talk to Ye Mohan anymore.

Ye Mohan had no choice but to follow behind, not daring to slack off for a moment.

The little girl is not familiar with this place, so if he didn't take a good look at it and lost the little girl, he really lost more than he gained.

The two walked together for about half an hour. Seeing Ye Qingxue's posture, Ye Mohan planned to walk back to the hotel.

They came here by taxi in the morning, and it was almost dark when they walked back.

He has been trained since he was a child, and it's nothing to walk back. The little girl's physique has always been bad, and he was afraid that the little girl would not be able to bear it.

(End of this chapter)

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