Chapter 708

Lin Yueyan didn't want to discuss what happened before.

She just wanted Ye Qingxue to die!
It would be best if Ye Mohan beat her to death with his own hands!
"Ye Mohan, let me ask you again, do you want to die with this woman, or choose to kill this woman yourself?"

Ye Mohan's thin lips parted and slowly spit out four words, "Together!"

Ye Qingxue looked up at Ye Mohan, her eyes filled with excitement, "Ye Mohan, if this is the case, I hope you will come and beat me to death."

Before Ye Mohan could answer, Ye Qingxue said quickly again: "She won't let us go, but if you beat me to death, she will let you go, Xiao Nuoyu can't live without her mother is gone dad."

"I won't do that!" Ye Mohan gently stroked Ye Qingxue's cheek with a strong and firm tone.

Let him kill the woman he loves with his own hands, it is better to kill him directly!

He doesn't want to try the taste of intestinal poison!

Ye Qingxue was annoyed by Ye Mohan's attitude, and said angrily, "Ye Mohan!"

"You don't need to say, I, Ye Mohan, can't do it by killing the person I love and living!
Although I am not a competent father to the little guy, I believe the little guy will understand me. "Ye Mohan said.

Even if he and the little girl died, he would never let this woman live!

Listening to the conversation between the two, Lin Yueyan slowly clenched a hand that was hanging down, her face was so gloomy that it twisted.

Since she wanted to die together, she refused to let them do so!
She wanted Ye Mohan to see how she tortured his beloved woman!
"You want to die together? Hehe... Ye Mohan, look at how I tortured your woman with a gun. I will make her a cripple and a cripple for the rest of her life!"

After Lin Yueyan finished speaking, she clenched the handle of the gun and slowly pulled the trigger with her fingers.

Ye Mohan stared at the muzzle of the gun, a sharp light flashed in the corner of his eyes, and he pushed Ye Qingxue away violently.

Because Ye Qingxue's legs were injured, she fell directly to the ground.

There was a loud "bang", and the crowd closed in a corner of the ruins was in a state of confusion. Some were frightened and covered their ears and began to scream, and some subconsciously looked at the place where the gunshots came from.

It also caused the birds staying in the trees around to flap their wings and fly around.

"Are you okay?" Ye Mohan helped Ye Qingxue up and hugged her in his arms.

Ye Qingxue shook her head at Ye Mohan.

Seeing that Ye Qingxue was missed, Lin Yueyan immediately pointed at Ye Qingxue and fired a second shot.

The moment Lin Yueyan pulled the trigger, Ye Mohan turned around fiercely with Ye Qingxue in his arms, and his body blocked the shot.

The muzzle of the gun was on the back, right in Ye Mohan's heart.

Ye Qingxue's eyes widened suddenly, and she called out in a trembling and hoarse voice: "Mo Han..."

Ye Mohan frowned, seeing the overlapping shadows appearing on Ye Qingxue's face, his consciousness was no longer clear.

Ye Qingxue's tears fell from the eye sockets directly onto Ye Mohan's cheeks like broken pearls.

Ye Mohan wiped Ye Qingxue's tears with trembling hands, "Don't cry, find a way to survive..."

In one sentence, Ye Mohan used all his strength to say it very smoothly, without gasping for breath to speak intermittently.

Ye Qingxue broke down in tears and kept shaking her head.

Ye Mohan smiled at Ye Qingxue with difficulty curling his lips, "The little guy still needs you."

The consciousness became more and more unconscious, the pain of the wound and the penetration of the bullet made Ye Mohan unable to hold on.

Ye Mohan stretched out his hand to touch Ye Qingxue's cheek, feeling every inch of Ye Qingxue's skin.

Even if he died, he still wanted to know what the little girl looked like.

He still wanted to see Ye Qingxue, but it was already blurred, and Ye Mohan gradually lost consciousness.

 No tickets, let's end tomorrow...

  Ok!Such a happy decision! ????????
(End of this chapter)

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