You are more beautiful than the stars

Chapter 760 Your Majesty is Happy!

Chapter 760 Your Majesty is Happy!

Ye Mohan glanced at the place where Ye Qingxue was covering, his deep eyes were full of worry.

Thin lips were slightly pursed, without speaking, he took out his mobile phone and called Xiao Feng.

Ye Mohan: "Come here."

Xiao Feng: "What are you doing? Let me tell you, your legs can only be recovered by exercising yourself, and there is nothing I can do."

Ye Mohan frowned and pinched the center of his brows, took a deep breath and said lightly: "My wife has an upset stomach, why don't you come over to see what's going on?"

Ye Qingxue heard that Ye Mohan called her wife in front of others, her face gradually turned a blush, and the corners of her mouth inadvertently curled up.

"Maybe..." Xiao Feng hesitated to speak.

"What?" Ye Mohan frowned slightly.

Xiao Feng: "The show is much more affectionate."

Ye Mohan said calmly: "Xiao Feng, although you are the director of the city hospital now, you seem to have forgotten that you are the family doctor of the Ye family."

Xiao Feng: "Okay, stop talking, I'll go over now."


Xiao Feng quickly came to Ye's house, only to see the young couple embracing each other in the back garden.

I knew he shouldn't have come! ! !
Xiao Feng put his hands in his pockets, and walked over, followed by a little nurse carrying a medical box, "I said, you two, it's early in the morning, so don't do this! Is it because you didn't warm up enough last night?"

Ye Mohan: "..."

Ye Qingxue: "..."

How could she have the urge to beat up Xiao Feng violently!
Ye Mohan didn't have too much expression on his face, he raised his eyes and said lightly: "Come here to see what's going on with the little girl?"

Xiao Feng raised his eyebrows, indifferently, and said unhurriedly: "I think your face is quite rosy, isn't it good?"

Ye Mohan: "I'll give you another chance."

Xiao Feng: "..."

Xiao Feng raised his hand to touch Ye Qingxue's wrist, but Ye Mohan mercilessly opened it on the way.

Xiao Feng waved his hands in pain, and yelled, "Aww...why did you hit me..."

Seeing this, the little nurse was taken aback for a moment, and then she snickered while holding the medical kit.

Ye Mohan shot Xiao Feng a sharp look, and asked coldly: "The medical kit you brought is a decoration?"

"Stomach is uncomfortable. Of course, you need to do a comprehensive stomach examination first. You can't have an examination unless you go to the hospital. I have to use the method of feeling the pulse to diagnose and treat your wife." Xiao Feng felt that he was really suffering. .

He left the whole hospital alone, and came to treat the little girl himself, not to mention being flattered, and even rejected...

Ye Qingxue couldn't laugh or cry, she mourned for Xiao Feng for a second...

Ye Mohan's possessiveness is very strong, except for forcing the little guy to touch him, he forbids any opposite sex from being intimate with him.

At that time, she rolled her eyes at Ye Mohan, and came back directly and said: "You should tell those opposite sexes, not me! If they insist on being intimate with me, I can't help it!"

"You don't even ask about symptoms!" Ye Mohan frowned.

"The result can be checked directly by hand, why should I bother?" Xiao Feng raised his eyebrows proudly and spread his hands.

Ye Mohan: "Are you sure your hands are more accurate than the results of medical equipment?"

Xiao Feng raised his eyebrows, "Of course!"

Ye Mohan: "..."

In the end, Ye Mohan pinched the center of his brows and agreed with Xiao Feng to take the pulse of the little girl.

In less than ten seconds, Xiao Feng was in a happy mood, imitating the congratulations of ancient imperial physicians, "Congratulations, Your Majesty, congratulations to Your Majesty, Your Majesty is so happy!"

The corner of Ye Mohan's mouth twitched, "Speak humanly!"

"Your wife is pregnant."

(End of this chapter)

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