You are more beautiful than the stars

Chapter 790 There is a feeling of 'hot face sticking cold butt'

Chapter 790 There is a feeling of 'hot face sticking cold butt'
The doctor said to Ye Mohan: "This young master has indeed inherited this wife's blood type."

Ye Mohan's thin lips parted lightly: "Then please draw blood for my son now!"

"Okay!" The doctor nodded, then turned to look at Ye Qingxue, "Give it to me!"

Ye Qingxue felt distressed, but she had no choice but to let the doctor take the little guy out of her arms.

Ye Qingxue watched such an older child draw blood, her heart rose to her throat, and she tugged at her clothes worriedly.

It didn't take long to draw [-] milliliters of blood, but Ye Qingxue saw that her heart ached terribly, every minute and every second was suffering.

Just after smoking, Ye Qingxue hugged the little guy tightly, "Baby, do you feel uncomfortable?"

The little guy was very good at comforting others, and softly said to Ye Qingxue, "No! Mommy, don't worry!"

At this moment, Ye Mohan's cell phone rang.

Ye Mohan lowered his eyes to look at his mobile phone, saw the nickname, his eyes didn't fluctuate much.

Pushing the wheelchair, she walked to Ye Qingxue's side and comforted her softly, "Xue'er, don't worry, it's okay for a child to draw a hundred milliliters of blood! Xiao Nuoyu is my son, if something happens, I won't let it Draw!"

Ye Qingxue looked at Ye Mohan with moist eyes, and nodded, "Yes!"

Of course she believed in Ye Mohan!

If the little guy would have trouble drawing a hundred milliliters of blood, Ye Mohan must be the first one to be unwilling!

Leng Yeyan saw it in his eyes, and felt very uncomfortable.

He hated himself even more for his incompetence, for taking blood from a child less than four years old!
Ye Qingxue looked at the pale Leng Haiyu lying on the hospital bed, and said worriedly: "I don't know if adding [-] milliliters of blood can make it through the night."

Leng Yeyan looked at his father on the hospital bed with complicated eyes, and said to Ye Qingxue: "It's not enough to continue smoking me! I won't let you and your son smoke anymore!"

Ye Qingxue reprimanded Leng Ye and said, "If you just smoke you, are you going to kill yourself?"

Seeing this, Gu Lanbing comforted Ye Qingxue softly, "Okay, okay, there are still [-] milliliters of blood, after the transfusion, we will find a way."

Ye Qingxue pursed her lips.

They can only take one step at a time now.

The doctor suddenly said at this time, "The patient's condition has shown signs of improvement. Your family members should communicate more with the patient, so as to awaken the patient's will."

Ye Qingxue nodded gratefully, "Okay, we understand, thank you doctor."

"You're welcome." The doctor responded politely and left the ward.

The second time, Ye Mohan's cell phone rang again and again filled the ward.

Ye Mohan looked, it was still Xiao Feng calling.

This time I didn't hang up and picked up, "What's the matter?"

The voice is cool and sexy.

Faced with Ye Mohan's distant tone, Xiao Feng's head was full of black lines.

There is a feeling of 'hot face sticking cold butt' spontaneously.

No way, who told him to have a cold-faced brother like Ye Mohan?

"Is your foot working?"

"No." Ye Mohan answered crisply.

"..." The corner of Xiao Feng's mouth twitched.

He shouldn't have asked that question!

For Ye Mohan, everything that is not particularly effective has no effect.

Xiao Feng got down to business: "I suddenly remembered that a classmate studying in the UK is studying orthopedics, but because of his weird personality, his reputation has not been very good. Would you like to try it in England?"

Ye Mohan was silent for a while, then said flatly: "You let him come to City A."

(End of this chapter)

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