You are more beautiful than the stars

Chapter 813 Your Husband Is Called Uncle Leng Yeyan

Chapter 813 Your Husband Is Called Uncle Leng Yeyan
After Leng Yeyan and Leng Haiyu finished their phone call, they immediately dialed Ye Qingxue's cell phone number.

"Where are you now?"

"In the Star Restaurant? What's the matter?"

"Don't go yet, I'll go find you."

Ye Qingxue still wanted to ask about the situation, but Leng Yeyan hung up the phone.

Mo Weiwei asked, "Your husband?"

Ye Qingxue's thin lips parted lightly: "It's my uncle."

Mo Weiwei heard Tang Muqing say that Leng Haiyu was Xiaoxue's grandfather, so Leng Yeyan was Leng Haiyu's uncle.

Mo Weiwei immediately slapped him with blood, "It's that Leng Yeyan from the Yeyan Group!"


Mo Weiwei slapped the table excitedly, "Damn! Ye Qingxue, let me tell you what good deeds you did in your previous life. The handsome guys from the two major international groups in country A are all relatives by your side!"

Ye Qingxue: "..."

Mo Weiwei stretched out her head and asked again: "But Leng Yeyan is so young, wouldn't it be a bit of a violation for you to call him uncle?"

"So what? Isn't he my own uncle? You can't just call him by his first name!"

She also felt that calling her uncle Leng Yeyan was quite offensive.

"That's right!" Mo Weiwei thought for a while, and felt that what Ye Qingxue said made sense, so she nodded.

"But your husband's name is Uncle Leng Yeyan... Cough cough... It's amazing to think about it!"

Ye Qingxue's head was full of black lines, "Don't think about it, Ye Mohan will never bark!"

The two are not compatible at all, plus they are similar in age, and Ye Mohan is such an arrogant and indifferent person, his name is Uncle Leng Yeyan, don't even think about such a thing!
Mo Weiwei smiled and said, "Haha, think about it."


In less than 10 minutes, Leng Yeyan drove to Xingchen restaurant.

The driver and bodyguard outside were very surprised when they saw Leng Yeyan approaching.

One by one nodded respectfully: "Master."

Leng Yeyan looked at the two bodyguards, "Are you two here with the eldest lady?"

The two bodyguards replied together: "Yes, the master ordered it."

Leng Yeyan: "..."

Leng Yeyan didn't say anything, and walked into the Xingchen Restaurant.

The deep hawk's eyes glanced at the restaurant, and saw Ye Qingxue walking past.

Ye Qingxue raised her eyes and saw Leng Yeyan approaching, and called softly, "Uncle."

Leng Yeyan glanced sideways at the part of steak rice left on the plate in front of Ye Qingxue, and asked with thin lips, "Have you finished eating?"

Ye Qingxue: "Uh... finished eating."

Leng Yeyan: "Leave with me after eating."

The corner of Mo Weiwei's mouth twitched: "..."

This person is really cold and impersonal.

Ye Qingxue didn't leave in a hurry, and asked Leng Yeyan, "Why are you here?"

Leng Yeyan: "My dad is worried about you, so he asked me to come and find you."

Ye Qingxue's head was full of black lines: "..."

Two bodyguards and a driver stationed outside are still not at ease?
Facing a handsome guy standing in front of her, Mo Weiwei instinctively wanted to say hello, "Mr. Leng, hello."

Leng Yeyan found out that there was a woman opposite Ye Qingxue, and when he saw Mo Weiwei, he asked uncertainly, "Mo Weiwei, a gold medal lawyer?"

Mo Weiwei smiled sweetly: "Yes, it's me."

Leng Yeyan raised his hand and shook Mo Weiwei lightly, "Hello."

Turning her head sideways, she asked Ye Qingxue: "Are you done talking? Let's go back after we finish talking."

Ye Qingxue raised her wrist to look at her watch, raised her eyes and said to Leng Ye: "Uncle, I'm going to the airport now."

Leng Yeyan looked unpredictable, "What are you doing at the airport?"

Ye Qingxue: "Pick up Ye Mohan! Ye Mohan is coming back today, I think it's almost time now."

(End of this chapter)

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