You are more beautiful than the stars

Chapter 839 Taking Wedding Photos

Chapter 839 Taking Wedding Photos (11)

Ye Qingxue grabbed Ye Mohan's arm and stared at him closely, "Ye Mohan, you must continue to investigate! It doesn't matter if you don't admit it, as long as I know that Xiaoxian'er is living a good life, I am satisfied."

"As you said, she doesn't know that we are her parents, so she might not come back with us.

But now, I just want to know her news, and it is enough to see her once in a while. "

The more Ye Qingxue spoke, the more excited she became, her tears suddenly seemed like broken pearls, sobbing.

Even if Xiao Xian'er doesn't recognize her mother, she doesn't want to come back with her.

As long as she sees Xiao Xian'er, she will be satisfied.

Seeing Ye Qingxue crying into tears, Ye Mohan looked so heartbroken that he was scared to death.

He directly hugged Ye Qingxue to his lap, and quickly comforted him, "Okay, don't get excited, I will continue to investigate."

After comforting Ye Qingxue, Ye Mohan's clothes were already half wet.

The chest was smeared by Ye Qingxue's tears.

In fact, Ye Mohan had a headache.

That person seemed to have a strong background and strength, and he deliberately prevented him from investigating it.

If it is an ordinary person who deliberately refuses to investigate, his people will be able to investigate clearly

But regarding this matter, the person he sent had no news at all.

Ye Qingxue got up from Ye Mohan's arms and stared at him, "Are you still worried about me? Why do you still dare to let Wuying bring the gun in front of me?"

There are still traces of crying just now in the eyes.

The corner of Ye Mohan's mouth twitched.

Wiping the tears from the corners of Ye Qingxue's eyes, "Wu Ying's gun has no bullets."

"Is it okay without bullets? Do you know that I was scared to death at that time! That guy actually asked me to shoot him!"

Thinking about Wuying holding the gun in front of her just now, she felt creepy.

She didn't know that there were no bullets in the gun!
Thinking of this, Ye Qingxue became even angrier, grabbing Ye Mohan's clothes with both hands, "The guy who has no bullets still wants me to beat him!
Ye Mohan, tell me, did you collude with him, I'm sure I won't shoot! ? "

Looking at Ye Mohan whose clothes were tightly pulled into a ball by Ye Qingxue: "..."

"Girls, be gentle!" Ye Mohan held Ye Qingxue's hand, pulled it away, and said solemnly.

"Fuck off!"

Ye Mohan: "..."

Ye Mohan is seriously aware of a problem.

Has he been too used to her recently! ?
"I thought you weren't afraid of that thing." Ye Mohan said.

Ye Qingxue gave Ye Mohan a white look, "I'm not afraid of things that can catch fire."

"is it?"

Ye Mohan didn't seem to believe it, and then said: "But in Jinxiu Apartment, when I pointed a gun at Leng Yeyan, you didn't have any fear, and even kicked the gun out of my hand."

"Who said I wasn't afraid at the time? It was because I was too scared that I kicked the gun out of your hand."

That's when it really terrified him.

Ye Mohan's face was cold, the scene of holding the gun was even more terrifying than Wu Ying holding the gun in front of her now.

"Afraid I'd kill him?"

"Of course." Ye Qingxue raised her head and asked him, "If I hadn't kicked the gun out of your hand at that time, would you have really shot?"

Ye Mohan took a deep look at Ye Qingxue for a long while, and said a word firmly, "Yes!"

Ye Qingxue: "..."

She was very glad that she kicked his gun away.

But remembering that Ye Mohan and Wuying came together to lie to him just now, I still feel angry.

"Ye Mohan, if you dare to deceive me in the future, I..." Ye Qingxue couldn't say any threatening words.

Because she seemed to have nothing to threaten him.

(End of this chapter)

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