You are more beautiful than the stars

Chapter 845 With you, deep in my heart is peace of mind

Chapter 845 With you, deep in my heart is peace of mind (1)

What did Ye Qingxue think of, she tilted her head and asked Ye Mohan, "By the way, husband, I didn't read the contract seriously, didn't you read it too? Did you know that the contract was signed only for you to shoot?"

Ye Mohan took a deep look at her, and parted his thin lips lightly: "I thought you were very clear."

Ye Qingxue: "..."

Clear a P!

"You know why you didn't tell me?" Ye Qingxue pouted sadly.

She was so ashamed and embarrassed!

"Did you give me a chance to speak? I don't agree, and I will turn around and leave immediately."

Ye Qingxue covered Ye Mohan's thin lips, immediately lost her momentum, and lowered her head in embarrassment, "Okay, okay, stop talking."

Ye Mohan took Ye Qingxue's hand away and held it in his palm.

Wrapping Ye Qingxue's slender waist tightly with her big hands, her thin lips curled into a hook, "Do you know it's wrong?"

"Wrong." Ye Qingxue hid her head even deeper.

"I know I'm wrong, how do I make it up to me?" Ye Mohan raised his hand and hugged Ye Qingxue onto his lap.

Star-like eyes stared deeply at Ye Qingxue.

The little guy took a look and turned his head unhappily.

Old Mo is too eccentric.

I haven't hugged him much since I was a child.

He can't count the number of times he saw Lao Mo hugging his mother with two hands and two feet.

Ye Qingxue bit her lip, and a shy smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Lifting Ye Mohan's neck with both hands, he approached his thin lips little by little.

Han Yu glanced through the rearview mirror.

Why choose to sprinkle dog food here!
Can't you spread it at home?
Ye Mohan shot a sharp look in the past——

Han Yu couldn't help shaking his hands, and automatically raised the partition.

Ye Qingxue licked Ye Mohan's sexy thin lips and was about to leave.

But Ye Mohan had no intention of letting her go.

The moment Ye Qingxue left his lips.

Ye Mohan clasped the back of Ye Qingxue's head, and directly extended his tongue deeply, deepening the long kiss.

The little guy was unhappy, very unhappy.

Frowning tightly, he said angrily, "Mom and Dad, the baby is still here."

Ignore his existence and come to kiss.

Ye Qingxue saw the little guy's displeasure from the corner of her eye, and pushed Ye Mohan away vigorously.

Get off Ye Mohan's lap, sit next to the little guy, and coax softly: "Baby, Mommy forgot you are here."

Having said that, the little guy's face turned even darker.

Ye Qingxue hastily changed her words, "Mom means that Mommy didn't see you when she was hugged by your father just now..."

The little guy didn't wait for Ye Qingxue to finish, he turned his head and looked out the window, his little face had a tendency to cry.

Ye Qingxue held her forehead speechlessly.

She obviously felt that her IQ was dropping rapidly.

Now I can't even speak.

It's all Ye Mohan's fault!

It would be fine if she kissed her as compensation, why should she kiss her.

Ye Qingxue gave Ye Mohan a sad look.

Ye Mohan: "..."

He seems to have done nothing wrong!

Ye Qingxue coaxed the little guy softly, "Baby, Mommy said the wrong thing."

The little guy pouted, and his big bright eyes were full of tears, "Mum, do you feel that the baby is not cute anymore and doesn't like me?"

Ye Qingxue hugged the little guy into her arms, "Why, you are Mommy's sweetheart."

The little guy asked angrily: "Then how does the baby compare with dad?"

"Ah?" Ye Qingxue was taken aback, then turned to look at Ye Mohan.

Ye Mohan stared at her, his starry eyes were bright and expectant.

Ye Qingxue smiled, "It's the same."

She can't be offended on either side.

Ye Mohan became jealous, regardless of size.

(End of this chapter)

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